Chapter Three: Bonding?

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I marched away, beaming. That was until Yameru spoke. In a calm voice he informed, "We should try to hurry home. Your father might get worried if we are out later than planned."

I groaned. "I don't care. He's too overprotective."

Yameru sighed and I could tell he rolled his eyes. "Overprotective is better than not being there at all."

I felt my eye twitch. What did he know? I mentally questioned rudely. Feeling irritated, I didn't respond.

Sadly, he took that as a sign to continue, though I could tell he was uncertain, and hesitant about it. "If you must know, I had to raise my younger brother all by myself, even with my parents around. They wanted us to raise ourselves, thinking it would make us strong. They resent me for raising him, and not letting him do it himself. They were right about it making us strong, but it's hard to raise a brother, and keep up with everything else."

I felt my gut twist. He...had to raise his brother? My sister never cared about me. They only time she relied on me was when I found her dying on our doorstep. I felt my eyes narrow and my head bow a little in self pity.

"Sorry about that," I whispered whole heartedly.

Yameru scoffed, and I could picture him look away. "Don't think too much of it."

I felt my eyebrow twitch upwards at his blunt words. How disrespectful.

"Alright, I won't." I took a short pause with my words, biting my lip. "Though, can I ask you something?" I wondered out loud, glancing back at him.

He rose an eyebrow and with a shrug replied, "What?"

"Where is your brother now?" I asked cautiously. Seems casual enough...

He sighed and responded slowly, "He's dead."

"Oh wow, you know how to raise children, forget to feed him?" I retorted, taunting him. I regretted it when his eyes hardened. I didn't think the words through.

"No, I didn't forget to feed him," he forced out through gritted teeth. "He ran away and never came back. I suspect he died. End of story. He's not my responsibility anymore, anyway," Yameru's words made me hate myself a little inside. My words had been thoughtless and rude.

"Well, uh. I guess if you think that then he must have been more of a burden, right?" I asked, trying to learn more about it.

Curse my bad people skills. This isn't a good subject to talk about. Though, I don't know if he feels comfortable about it or not, I thought, chewing on my inside lips a little.

"Of course he was a burden," Yameru answered sharply. Then he did something I didn't think he would regularly do. He reached back and scratched his head, getting sheepish. "But he was my brother. I loved his company, and everything. I don't regret raising him, but...he was always a pain in the ass. That doesn't mean anything though-" he looked as if he was going to continue, but he didn't say anything. He just stopped himself. He slowly let his arm fall to his side, and stared at me, with a small nice smile on his lips. I rose an eyebrow, and stopped stomping in front of him.

"Please stop smiling at me like you won. You have won nothing," I deadpanned, giving him playful eyes, trying to lighten the mood.

Now that I think about it, I've been really rude to him. Eh...I should try to be nicer. Little did I know, but Yameru was thinking the same thing.


I sighed, undoing the tie that kept my pink dress tight to me, as well as kept my breast up. With a smile I let the fabric fall from my shoulders. I sighed and looked down to my undergarments. Bandages wrapped around my breasts, keeping them in place. I didn't mess with them, or my panties. I walked into the bathroom that connected to my room, sliding the door closed behind me. I then opened the bathroom's closet door and pulled a box from it. I stepped back, setting it on the floor and then looked in the closet, searching for a hair band, or tie. When I found it, I quickly tied my hair up, and then turned my attention to the box.

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