Epilogue: Ever After

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WARNING: If you want a semi-happy ending don't read this chapter! Contains sad ending. Side effects of sad ending may include tears, anger, the reddening of eyes, confusion, more anger, the sweat of eyes, violence and the need for more/answers. You do not get more, nor do you get answers. You may use your immagination to rewrite ending. Calm down, you use your brain everyday, and yes, it is the organ that controls your everyday functions and no, it does not beat. The organ that beats is your heart. Careful, your heart is not your soul. Your lost your soul when you began to read this story. No I didn't take it! Maybe you didn't have a soul to begin with, because you're a ginger, so let's just get back to talking about brains. Your brain just rules things without lifting a finger. Or maybe it lifts a finger, ya know, if it wants to. Oh shit! The warning!

Sad ending dead ahead. BEWARE. Caution. Not for the faint hearted, easily confused, and easily violent.

Enjoy Nontheless.... :)

It had been years since Madara and I ran away. Multiple times people had found us, but Madara had slaughtered them before they could get intel back. We had a daughter, Natsumi. She was our light in the dark times. I swear her smile could light the whole room up without even her trying. Her laugh was music to our ears. Currently, she was five years old, so young and pure. Madara had been training her in self defense ever since she could walk. What surprised me the most was how well my husband had transitioned into the family life. At first, we were both overwhelmed, but I knew how to raise a child, it was motherly instinct. Madara wasn’t as lucky. He had no idea what to do, and yet somehow, over the five years he became the world’s most loving and caring father. It was a transition most people would have thought impossible for the cold, murderer formally known as Uchiha, Madara.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Natsumi cried, running into the kitchen. I was preparing a simple dinner, but I paused in cutting my vegetables to give her my attention.

“What is it, Natsumi-chan?” I said, taking in her appearance. Her hands were dark with soot and her eyes shone like polished onyx.

“You have,” she gasped for air, “to come see" she took another long breath of excited air, "what daddy taught me,” she insisted, taking my hand. I made a noise of protest, but Natsumi was already pulling me out of the kitchen.

“Oh, alright,” I said, scooping her up in my arms. She giggled as my hands ran up her sides. “But because you’ve postponed dinner, I get to torture you!” I tickled her sides making her squirm in my arms.

“M-mommy stop it!” Natsumi cried. I took in her expression. The way he eyes arched when she closed them, the way her mouth tilted up in her famous open mouthed smile, and the way her eyebrows twitched with every strum of my fingers. I could see so much Madara in her, from her dark eyes to her facial structure which clearly showed she was of Uchiha blood. Luckily, her hair was the same color of mine, so there was proof this perfect child was indeed, also mine. I cuddled her close to me.

“You’re my little angel, you know that?” I whispered, kissing the side of Natsumi’s head. “Now, where’s daddy?”

“He’s out back, near the clearing,” she said. I made a face.

“What’s he doing out there, so close to the village?” I asked, trying to hide my annoyance.

“He was training me with my fire jutsu. You have to see it mommy! I can make a fireball! He sent me to go get you because he said this was important in every Uchiha’s development.” Natsumi nodded with every word, puffing her cheeks slightly like she always did when she was trying to be serious. I kissed her nose, and gave her a close eyed smile.

“Then I guess it’s only right for me to see it for myself isn’t it?” I let out a pleased chuckle, but that was all a front. Mentally, I was going crazy. What was he thinking?! He could have been spotted. All this hiding and secrecy just for him to screw it up because he had to teach our little girl to be a ninja. Well, I’ll make sure to put an end to that.

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