Bonus Chapter || Timeless

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a/n: reincarnation bonus chapter, i recommend listening to timeless by taylor swift while reading xx, also i don't know much about FBI or military so all the research done here is from google

"Intelligence Analyst, Shinobu Kocho. I heard that with some information gathering, you've suspected a non-human being on Japanese soil. Is that correct?" Her boss said.

She saluted, "Yes sir."

"Tell me more about this non-human being."

"He is an artist that is constantly moving locations and changing names. I found some of his art on the media, he has pieces that date back to the 1920's. Yet he remains active by changing identities every 50 years. I also suspect he is an illegal doctor. Since he's not human for sure, he could be concocting illegal substances in his work...I deem it possible this man could be a demon. Even though they were eradicated durning the Taisho Era."

Her boss nodded, "Do you know where he is located?"

"Based off multiple art shows I've attended to see his whereabouts, he currently resides in Tokyo city. But he's constantly changing locations, so we have to move quick."

"Very well. I'll send Special Forces Agent Giyuu Tomioka to accompany you as a backup. Infiltrate his homestay and find as much as you can about him, if possible bring him to headquarters."

"Yes sir." She saluted again.


They approached the house the demon suspected to be in. It was nighttime, their cover was a wife and husband, the wife being sick and needing outside treatment.

Shinobu tried to warm up to her partner, but he had no interest. They've been on countless of missions together before, but he only speaks when necessary.

"Okay, so, how should we approach him?"

"I don't know. You're the Intelligence Analyst here. I'm just here so you don't die." He responded.

That made her blood boil. "Doesn't mean you can't help me think!"

"Still no clue."

"Okay, fine, whatever." She knocked on the door.

Yushiro answered, his eyes stunned like he'd seen a ghost. Shinobu and Giyuu reincarnations were identical just as they were 100 years ago.

"Hi!" Shinobu put on a sweet mom-like voice. "Are you Yushirou Yamamoto? The doctor?"

"Yes. Can I help you?"

She nudged Giyuu to read his lines, he suddenly remembered and read off his palm trying to no seem obvious.

"Oh, um...My wife" He could barely see his hand without seeming suspicious. Yushiro raised an eyebrow. Shinobu wanted to facepalm herself.

"She's um...sick! She has trouble breathing...and sleeping. We've gone to...lots of dentists- DOCTORS. Nothing has worked." He muttered out. The secondhand embarrassment was radiating.

The artist-doctor suspected something was off, so he shut them out. "We're closed." Slamming the door in their faces.

"Well fuck! Look what you did airhead!"

"You wrote the lines." He retorted calmly.

"Fine, let's sneak in from the back." The analyst  suggested.

The backyard was filled with bushes and grass, they hid under window with their backs facing the house. Yushiro was in the room they were hiding under the window from.

"Okay, we'll wait until he goes upstairs."

Giyuu looked zoned out, 'Shouldn't I be the one planning the attacks...? ...Nah.'

Shinobu saw Yushiro walk upstairs, assuming he was going to bed. "Give me your pickpocketing thingy." She held out her hand.

He opened his tools and handed it. He stood watch as she opened the window lock and slipped in. Giyuu followed.

"Stand watch. I'll infiltrate the building. I just need to find his medical supplies."

She walked down into the basement, it smelt of chemicals and rust. There was a shelf that held  containers that were filled with liquids. All labeled.

Giyuu read them all, "Wistera Posion? Human transformation injections? What is this lab..? Non of these chemicals are FDA approved."

"Wistera Posion was used in the 1920's to exterminate demons. It was created by a Hashira whose name has been lost in textbooks. It's not FDA approved now, but those in other countries who used it illegally state that it has health benefits." Shinobu ranted on intelligently. "In fact nearly all Demon Slayer names were eradicated from history, no one knows by who or why. The only existence we have is the Corps."

"I've heard about Demon Slayers." Giyuu said quietly.

Shinobu collected samples of every single liquid and tossed it into her bag, "We don't know what this creature is capable of, so I don't think we should attempt to bring it to headquarters."

"He doesn't seem strong-"

The house exploded.

Giyuu instinctively threw himself over Shinobu to cover her from the explosion. He got a bash to the head in return.

Yushiro had been watching everything from his cat, which was under the invisibility spell. He blew up the house to get a chance to flee. The explosion had nothing toxic infused, just enough injury to make time for him to run.

"GIYUU! Oh my god! Wake up!" Shinobu shouted, shaking her comrade who saved her. "Are you okay??"

He woke up suddenly, coughing. "I'm fine..I was just doing my job, to protect you...Shinobu" He said weakly.

Yushiro collected everything important in the basement in a bag before running.

"HE'S GETTING AWAY! Ack!" She coughed from the debris dust. Shinobu's attention shifted back to Giyuu, radioing for an ambulance. "Stay awake dumbass!" She flicked his forehead.

Yushiro turned around and looked at the scene behind him and smiled softly.

'Shinobu...Giyuu..They found each other again.'

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