It's always the moon

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It shouldn't matter much but I suggest reading Without You (3-shot) and then Hope Not (one-shot, Without You's sequel) before reading this.  

This is Without You and Hope Not's final sequel.



It's one of the days she had been obviously looking forward to this year. Sure, Jennie met up with the girls whenever their individual schedules permitted them but this time it would be different. All of them are finally back in the country where everything started, where they spent years praying, working, and building up their dreams 12-13 years ago without anyone or any individual schedules hovering over them. She's excited, beyond words.

Tomorrow will be their 8th debut anniversary and all four of them decided to have a sleepover to basically just catch up just like the old days, just like the night before they officially debuted. Though clearly they never really had a proper sleep due to rehearsals and nerves before debuting, it was a fun time to look back on.

Her phone had been buzzing nonstop, it had been such a long time since their group chat had been this lively. They occasionally drop random texts, memes, voice messages, videos, and whatnot but never this noisy — and she would never trade this for anything.

Over a year ago, all she ever wanted was a good rest, a day without anyone pestering her to get ready because they had flights and schedules to catch. Don't get her wrong, she loved every single moment with the girls, their fans, and performing but her body was a single push away from totally collapsing. So though bittersweet, when their last encore show finally ended, Jennie spent an entire week in her house — letting her body rest. But as the months and more than a year went by, three out of four formally launched their own management companies, Jennie missed the chaos of the room filled with waves of laughter, banters, and random snoring in whatever place their bodies dimmed fit to sleep in.

She missed the gossip over a hot cup of ramen, the random videos they recorded on their phones that never saw a glimpse of light outside of their group chats, and though extremely weird to look back on, she missed the fights or misunderstandings they all shared during the tour. Exhaustion and lack of sleep drove them to the edge but they made up anyway.

She missed it.

She missed them.

Lost in her own thoughts, her body moved by reflex and answered her ringing phone. "Hello?"

"My Jendukie!!"

It only took two words for her lips to smile so widely, her gums showing, and her eyes forming into crescents. "Jisoo unnie! Are you ready?"

"Yup. I'm heading out now, actually."

Jennie involuntarily stared at her wall clock and instantly was on her feet. "Oh shoot, it's already this late?"

Jennie could hear Jisoo giggling on the other side. "Let me guess, you were daydreaming again, huh?"

Jennie grabbed her purse, car keys, and Kuma's leash before going downstairs, her sleepover bag was already in her car. "No, I am not." When she did not hear any answer, she followed it with a groan. "Fine! Yeah, kind of."

Jisoo chuckled again. "There. That fits you better, being truthful, I mean. You're bringing Kuma with you?"

The other girl was making sure Kuma's safe in her car before she closed the door of the backseat. "Yeah, mom is out of town. Is Chaeng going to bring Hank too? How about Dalgom?"

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