Bring it With You

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(A/N) : I just want to sleep but this story line won't just let me. This is just a very short story by the way.

You know how this one shot collection works. Enjoy ;)


People have always asked me, "What is Love?"

I've always answered "Love is complex" just to be on a safe side because honestly, how can someone define something that is very wide? Too complex? Too baffling yet somehow very certain all at the same time?

I've always wondered how love really works.

I had my own share of relationships back then but did those attachments helped me define what Love is? To set it straight, no it did not.

Until you decided to waltz in and made me realize that, after all these years, it was you all along. Love is you.

Now, you'd probably laugh if you hear them straight off my mouth. I know you too well, you'll take everything as a joke because of the things you had experienced. You had your share of heart breaks and I think most of them were because people took advantage of your kindness, your innocence. They deceived you and left you crying all the time.

You are my bestfriend ever since middle school. I remember how you entered the classroom, looking all shy, cute and small while introducing yourself. That memory will always bring smile to my face. It was the day that I've met my bestfriend and my definition of love.

We shared pretty couple of fights because you just love teasing the crap out of me. We had arguments because our point of views just couldn't co-exist. I remember one time when a mutual friend of ours asked us which among her current flings should she go after.

I said, it should be that guy who waited for her before and after school hours just to make sure she gets home safely every single day. Who wouldn't want to have a guy who makes sure you're always safe?

But you said, our friend should just follow whoever she felt comfortable being around with. And that's the time that we argued in the school grounds where we usually hang out with others. I was certain that I seriously considered scrambling across my spot to get your hair pulled out, just to get rid of that smirk you always put on when you knew you annoyed me again.

Everytime I looked back at it, I find it very silly every time. I mean who would argue about that? For sure, it's us. That was Junior year of high school. Good memories.

We went on separate ways in college because you wanted to study and pursue your love for music overseas and I was stuck in the same soil and land to pursue my own dream.

I remember crying so bad when we were at the airport that your mom had to pull us away from each other because you're going to miss your flight. You cried as hard as I did too. We were messy.

We kept in touch via texts and facetime so I know how your last wave of puberty hit you. It hit you pretty well, I've never seen someone who got hit by puberty like a truck. Your high pitch voice that used to annoy me soon started to have a lower register, I thought it must have been because of your vocal lessons but when we reached 20, I knew it changed.

You used to have a pair of chubby cheeks that I usually prey on for a squish which you hated by the way are now gone. Your jaws started to go pretty distinct too. You lost weight and I must say, it did good on you.

You grew up to be a fine young woman right in front of my eyes.

You didn't go home until 4 years after when you finally graduated. I understood though, for the person who hated goodbyes, I knew that would be your decision.

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