Chapter 33: Time Before a Festival

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(A shorter chapter but here's a crappy drawing I did of what I think Lil (Gloxinia's girlfriend) would look like, my character idea for Y/n doesn't look that much like her, but hey, Gloxinia can see whatever he wants to.)

"Will you be alright with that outcome?" Drole asks.

"..." Gloxinia sighs but he stays quiet.

"It's the most likely outcome today. Remember, she isn't Lil, your precious Goddesses isn't here anymore. And that girl is not the reincarnation of her. I am truly sorry." Drole adds. There's another short pause before Gloxinia ignores his question.

"It won't be long now." Gloxinia says. Drole sighs.

"Hmm...?" I rub my eyes, trying to wake up.

"I can feel them coming!" Gloxinia continues.

"Who's...?" I mumble as I sit up and yawn.

"A flood of powerful souls are making their way here from far and wide. Now, that's effect advertising." Gloxinia giggles. "Isn't that right, Drole?"

"Huh? Oh, it's almost time for the festival?" I say. Gloxinia turns his head to look at me.

"Yes, are you excited?"

"Yeah! But I still feel like I haven't made any progress with training." I nervously rub the back of my head.

"Hm? What are you talking about?" Gloxinia asks.

"Your power level, has gone up, suggesting improvements in your training." Drole states.

"Really?" I ask, standing up.

"Yes, your power level when we met was around 4,000. Now it is closer 10,000." Drole answers.

"Huh...?" I mutter, wide-eyed.

"Oh really? Has she improved that much? Well done, congratulations that's impressive!" Gloxinia claps using his vines.

"But... I don't feel that powerful..." I mumble looking at my hands.

"Oh, yesterday I don't believe we did any training did we? I believe we got interrupted by the human bringing us ale." Gloxinia says as he lands next to me. "Would you like to warm up before the festival's death match begins?"

"Hey, Drole?" I ask.

"Hm? What is it?" Drole answers.

"What are my power levels? Like my strength, magic, and sprit levels?" I ask.

"When you first arrived, the breakdown of your power level was 60, 2,000, 860, and was missing about thousand somewhere, now I believe it's due to your ability to boost somebodies' abilities."

"Mhm." I nod.

"Now however, it is 1,000, 6,200, 800 with an extra 2,000." Drole says.

"Wait, so while her strength, magic, and whatever that extra is went up, her spirit has gone down?" Gloxinia asks.

"Yes, it would appear so. Likely due to repeated nightmares or getting lost in her own conscious and made-up scenarios." Drole decides.

"2,000 to 6,000?" I mumble.

"Hmm? Is something wrong Y/n?" Gloxinia asks.

"But I still can't activate my demon powers, why has it gone up that much?" I ask looking up towards Drole.

"There's a possibility you strengthened your darkness ability without fully being able to control it. Or considering the extra value gained an extra 1,000 it's possible your original magical ability has improved instead." Drole says.

"Makes sense to me." Gloxinia says. "So, I'm guessing you want to work on activation today?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I sigh.

"Hm? You know, if you don't want to train today, you don't have to." Gloxinia says before patting me on the head.

"No, I want to. I'm just a little scared I won't be able to do it." I smile softly.

"Then how about instead of focusing on activating your darkness let's focus on all of your magical abilities, sound good?" Gloxinia smiles, I pause with a blank expression for a second before nodding with a determined smile.

"Yeah! That sounds like a plan."

"Alright, then let's get started."

(An hour or so later)

"All right, looks like things are underway!" Gloxinia interrupts my training as he looks towards the maze. "And the first hurdle of the Vaizel Great Fighting Festival is... the mystifying death-trap maze!" He looks over to Drole. "Such impressive work! Drole, I must say your craftsmanship is a sight to behold!" He turns his head towards me. "You look excited!"

"I can sense a few people I know. And with how good training is today, how could I not be?" I answer. Gloxinia smiles before looking back towards the maze and sighing.

"Since we seem to have more entrants than expected, we can weed out the week ones here first!" Gloxinia shouts happily.

"Y/n, there's people you recognize? If I may ask, who are they?" Drole questions.

"Hm. Well, I think I sense Diane, I also I believe that King and Helbram are here, pared with Ban and someone I know but can't remember for some reason..." I mumble the last part.

"I see, so the Sins have fallen for it." Drole concludes.

"It would seem so." I add.

"Heh~ Do you sense Meliodas yet?" Gloxinia asks, I shake my head. "Aw, so he hasn't shown up yet, how disappointing. Well, do you want to continue training?" I nod.

"Of course!" I smile.

"So determined today." Gloxinia smiles. "I like it."

(A few hours later)

"It's almost time, I suggest you rest a little. You've done well today." Gloxinia says.


"Huh? Why do you seem upset?"

"I couldn't do it..."

"Hm? Oh, your upset that you couldn't activate it again, aren't you?"

"Mhm..." I sigh. "I'll go get some rest, wake me up when it gets interesting." I go lay down somewhere.

"..." Gloxinia sighs. "I wish I could help her more. We don't have that ability so it's not like I can give any good advice with it."

"Are you really upset about that?" Drole asks. "We are helping her get stronger, even if it isn't with the power she wants to learn, she could still easily survive on her own out here. You've done well teaching her."

"I suppose." Gloxinia sighs.

(More time later)

"Excellent, looks like all the main players are here now. Y/n~ It's time for you to get up." Gloxinia says as he nudges me with one of his vines.

"Huh...? I sit up and yawn.

"Looks like most, if not all the Sine are here, shouldn't you be excited?"

"...I'm sleepy..." I mumble.

"Huh? Oh, I see you still need to wake up a little, heh, here, try this." Gloxinia says before handing me some kind of fruit. "Should wake you right up."

"...Oh... Thank you." I mumble as I take it.

"I think this will be very entertaining." Gloxinia smiles as I bite into the fruit he gave me.

"Eh?" I quickly spit it out. 'It's so sour!" Gloxinia starts laughing.

"See? It woke you up, didn't it?"


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