I'm Not Leaving

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Shout outs to these two people who are so supportive of my writing! @LuisaHasani2 and @thogicaltraveler. Thank you guys so much!

Father son bonding! Sorry it's short.


Stoic watched as Astrid ran back to the Clubhouse. A little pep talk was just what she needed. And it was a good reminder for Stoic as well. The Red Death would forever haunt him. Until the day he died. But he could change things by being in the present and being there for Hiccup. Just as Astrid was going to get her head out of the past. He sighed and saw Gobber making his way to Stoic. 

"Is the lass alright?" He asked as soon as he was by Stoic's side. 

"She is now, Gobber," Stoic said and lifted the door to the hut, walking in. Everything was dark. The fire up the stairs was lit and Stoic could just make out a big and black figure next to Hiccup's bed. It came quickly down the stairs to welcome the Chief and Gobber. "It's good to see you too Toothless," Stoic said in a soft voice and Toothless purred.

Gobber cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, Stoic, I'll be outside. I think this is a family business," He forced a laugh.

Stoic nodded and Gobber closed the door behind him. He headed up the stairs with Toothless. The first thing he noticed about Hiccup was how pale he looked. Stoic would have mistaken him for dead with just one glance. But there was a small and steady way his chest moved up and down. Every part of his body was under the thick blankets except for his neck and head. Stoic could see a thick bandage around his neck. Gothi had told him about the injuries on his hand, neck, and chest. 

As Stoic took a seat in a chair next to his son's bed, Hiccup started to wake.

"D-Dad?" He asked with a cracked voice. "What are you doing at the Edge?"

"I came to see how you were doing," Stoic said simply, trying to keep his voice steady. He knew he was on the verge of tears. It pained him to see Hiccup like this.

Hiccup sighed and gave a little laugh that Stoic barely noticed. "As you can see, I'm not doing too well." Hiccup started coughing and it sounded painful. Stoic grabbed a cup of water that was next to Hiccup's bed and tried handing it to him. Hiccup didn't move. "Uhhh, I can't really...umm..." Hiccup stuttered out.

"Let me help," Stoic said and tried to get Hiccup sitting up. It was like trying to bend metal, but after a while, he was able to get Hiccup standing. He was out of breath and his hand was kept close to his bare chest. "Here," Stoic said and put the cup to Hiccup's lips. He couldn't bend his arms easily. Hiccup drank the cup clean, but when Stoic offered to get Hiccup food, he refused. Stoic put his hand on Hiccup's forehead. "High fever," Stoic sighed. "Let's get you laying back down."

Hiccup nodded and groaned when Stoic pushed him back onto the pillow. 

"Dad?" Hiccup asked as soon as he was laying down. 

"Yes, son?"

"Will you stay with me?" Hiccup asked was a tired voice. His eyes were sliding closed.

"Of course!" Stoic said quickly and put a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "I'm not leaving."

As Hiccup's eyes started closing, Stoic made it a vow to himself to do everything in his power to make sure Hiccup will be okay. And that he would walk away from this alive and well. But little did Stoic know, that that vow would be the hardest thing, he would ever attempt. Because who knew how Hiccup would walk away from this. If he would ever be fully okay. Or alive.

Stoic looked over his son's features as he slept. He looked more peaceful when he was asleep rather than awake. The pain was probably still intense. Hiccup was also getting skinnier. Stoic assumed he hadn't been eating at all. He would ask Gothi what to do for him. Stoic felt ashamed of himself for ever thinking of Hiccup as a runt. Or letting the village view him that way. And Stoic couldn't help but feel sorry for how Hiccup had to tame a dragon and fight the Red Death for him to realize how proud he was of him. Valka would be ashamed of Stoic too. 

Get yourself out of the past. Stoic told himself. All that mattered now was that he was here for Hiccup and proud of him now. He recognized Hiccup's strength and knew one day, he would be an amazing Chief. And Stoic would be right by his side to guide him. He wasn't leaving. Never.

Hiccup moaned in his sleep and scrunched up his face in discomfort. Stoic gave a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder to let him know that he was still there. Hiccup relaxed again.

"I'm not leaving," Stoic said to Hiccup even though he was asleep. From his stone slab, Toothless cooned to the Chief. "I'm not leaving," He whispered again and a single tear fell down his face and got lost in his beard. 

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