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As they settle into their seats on the private plane, Lando is still getting over the surprise at seeing Jules here.

He greeted her with a small smile but inside panic was swirling. He knows they need to talk but this really wasn't his plan. Cowardly, he chooses to sit on a seat in the row behind her, doing anything to avoid eye contact.

As the plane takes off and the engines hum, creating a cocoon of privacy around them, there is tension in the air. This is the moment they have both been waiting for, a chance to finally talk openly and honestly.

His heart skips a beat, and he takes a deep breath, deciding it's now or never. He makes his way to where she is sitting, trying to appear calm even though his heart is racing as he approaches her.

"Hi," she says softly, sensing his unease.

He sits in the seat opposite her and turns to face her, and she can see the conflict in his eyes. "Hi Juliet," he replies, his voice a mix of emotions.

"I... I want to talk," she says, her voice trembling slightly.

He looks at her, and she can see the guarded expression on his face. "About last night?" he asks, his tone cautious.

She nods. "About everything. I want to know what's really going on between us," she says, mustering up her courage.

He takes a deep breath, and for a moment, he wants to open up fully. But then he looks away, avoiding her gaze. "Jules, it's complicated," he says, his voice tense.

She leans closer to him, wanting to bridge the distance between them. "I know it's complicated, but I want to understand," she says earnestly. "I want to know what you're feeling, what you're thinking."

He looks back at her, and he can see the desperation in her eyes. "I... I care about you, Jules," he admits, his voice soft. "But there are things I can't tell you right now."

He sees her heart sink, feeling the weight of his words. "Why not?" she asks, trying to keep the disappointment from her voice.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's...I'm... I'm not good at this kind of thing Jules," he repeats, frustration evident in his voice. "There are things I need to figure out, things I need to sort through in my head."

She sighs, looked deflated "Lando, you promised me we would be honest with each other."

His emotions tug, he hates disappointing her, but he is struggling to keep his guard up.

"Jules, can I ask you something first?" he says, looking into her eyes with sincerity.

"Fine. Ask me anything, but then it is my turn," her expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

Lando takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he continues. "I want to know the truth about you and Max," he admits.

Jules looks taken aback by the question but doesn't shy away from it. "Lando, nothing happened between Max and me," she says firmly. "It was 2 dates, and they weren't serious in the slightest."

He takes a moment to collect his thoughts and continues. "When I saw you with Max, I... it really got to me," he admits, deciding to share part of the truth. "I was angry and hurt, and I thought the worst. I know Max well Jules, I've seen how he treats women. I didn't like that you were one of them. And then I heard what he said to Checo and it made me sick."

Jules furrows her brow, trying to understand. "What did he say to Checo?"

Lando hesitates, trying to choose his words carefully, "He says that you slept together, he said it proudly like you were just a random conquest," His face sags, "I'm really sorry Jules, nobody deserves to have their personal life shared like that."

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