Not the same guy

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Chance and Alex came down the stairs and everyone went quite so we could hear what was happening.

Alex: I had such a good time last night. (Practically on Chance)

Chance: Erm, me too I'll call you or something. (Pushing her out the door)

The front door slammed and Chance came walking into the living room. Without realising I was there he looked at Jake and they both said in unison...

Both: Smashed!

The fact he was still acting like that hurt me. I didn't wanna look at him or be near him. I grabbed my blanket off the couch and went to my room. I closed my door and more or less barricaded myself in. I decided to get out of the house. So I booked the dance studio for myself for the whole day. I was going to film for my channel at the same

I rang Jeffree and told him I couldn't make it today and told him what happened he understood and was more angry than I was about chance.

I got off the phone and put it on charge. I decided to prepare my dance bag first so I put: my speaker, camera, tripod, dance shoes and some deodorant and a change of clothes for afterwards.

After I packed my dance bag I jumped in the shower and then got changed. I put on  my black Adidas shorts and a black and white top. I put my hair in a pony and only done my eyebrows and eyelashes.

I then grabbed my bag and took my phone off charge. Unlocked my door and went downstairs into the kitchen. To see Chance kissing the face of Alex.

Y/N: I'll just get a water when I'm out (saying that a little too loud so they stopped kissing and looked at me)

Chance: I thought you were out?

Y/N: Would you look at that. I'm right here ( I say sarcastically)

Alex: ignore the sarcastic bitch. (Grabs chances face and starts to kiss again)

I through my dance bag down and go storming over to her.

Y/N: what the fuck did you just say (still walking over to her. When I felt someone pull me back. It was Jake)

Jake: She's not worth it. (Whispered in my ear)

Y/N: Get off me ( I break out of jakes grasp and grab my bag and walk out the door) by the way I want that hoe gone by the time I'm back or there will be a problem. (Slamming the door)

As I walked outside I was greeted by all the fans at the door. I took a few pictures and talked for a while and then had to go to my dance. I walked to my car and got in. I drove to the studio and set everything up.

Better Days Andrew Siwicki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now