Surprising the guys with Ryland

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When we left Kathy griffins house, it was quite late. But I came up with the idea that we all go back to Shane's house and have a little party to celebrate how good the video was. And since we haven't had normal fun in a while we decided we was all up for the idea.

We dropped Theresa off at hers and Shane and the boys (except Ryland) stay at Theresa for a while. They are going to get an Uber back to Shane's because Ryland and I said we had to run some errands. We used that as an excuse so we could go to Walmart and get everything we needed to throw Shane and Andrew a party for all the hard work they do.

When we got to Walmart I grabbed a trolly and me and Ryland walked in. We started off with decorations: we go balloons, streamers, poppers and banners that said (congratulations/well done). We then went to the food and drink isle where we got all of Shane and Andrews favourite snacks, along with a few of ours and we picked up both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.

After getting the important things for our little surprise party, I wanted to get Andrew and Shane something. While walking around I came across an ornament of a pig with a camera so of course I picked it up for Shane. Since Andrews a romantic kind of guy I decided to get him something from the heart. I found a machine in Walmart that allows you to create your own card (a picture and the writing in it) so I got my favourite picture of me and Andrew and wrote him something to put in the card.

After spending what seemed like hours arguing over who wanted to pay Ryland and I split the cost and set off back to Shane's hoping he wasn't home yet. He wasn't. So Ryland and I unloaded the car and began to set up all the decorations and food.

Ryland did the food and I did the decorations in order to save time. I was just hanging up the last banner when there was a knock on the door. I pinned the banner and ran to the door. Ryland met me at the door. I opened the door to see the boys standing there in a huddle.

Y/N and Ryland: Surprise! (We stepped out the way so that they could see what we did)

Andrew:Woah. What's all this for? (With a big smile on his face)

Shane: OMG OMG OMG! You guys did this?

Y/N: We did this for you and Shane just to have a break and to congratulate you guys on yet another amazing series.

Shane and Andrew hug me and Ryland. And then we all go into the living room.

Ryland: there is food and drinks in the kitchen! (Ryland shouted from the kitchen)

Garrett went to the kitchen to get some food but before Andrew and Shane could join them I stopped them so I could give them my presents.

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