The truth

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Y/N: I wanted to get you both a little something. It's nothing too crazy but this (pulling out a bag from behind the couch ) made me think of you Shane. (Handing him the bag) and this is for you(hand Andrew an envelope. You might want to open that when we are on our own. (I laugh)

Shane opens his present and pulls out the pig with the camera.

Shane: OMG (almost crying) it's me !! (Andrew and I both laugh) I love it! Thank you so much.

Y/N: Your welcome (Laughing and hugging Shane)

Shane: I'm going to leave you to it then so Andrew can open his. (Shane leave and goes into the kitchen)

I sit down next to Andrew and he looks at me and then at the envelope. He opens the envelope to reveal a card full of our memories with "To the love of my life" Andrew read the front and looked at me and smiled.

Y/N: You have to read it out loud okay?(getting all excited like a child)

Andrew: Sure (Laughing)

Andrew opens the card to reveal a huge paragraph. He clears his throat. And begins to read it.

Inside the card:
Andrew, the love of my life, I am so proud of everything you have accomplished and everything you are. I remember the day we met September 12th 2018, it was in Walmart, you was wearing a grey JoJo hoodie  😂. When you smiled at me I remember thinking I had to have you or I'd die (if you know where this is from you are my friend 😂). Then you whispered that you loved me when we was helping Shane be a dad for the day and I felt so peaceful... and safe. Because I knew no matter what happened from that day on nothing can ever be that bad, because I have you. And every single day since we met has only made me love you and be proud of you more each day. I love you with every bit of my heart. 

Andrew finishes reading and looks at me. Tears fall from his eyes as he smiles at me. He leans in and kisses me. He pulls away leaving our foreheads touching.

Andrew: I love you so much. And I'm so lucky to have you, you don't realise how much you have made me want to be a better person. You will always have my heart you know that right?

Y/N: You are the love of my life. And for that I am eternally grateful. (Tears fall down my face but I smile and kiss Andrew)

The guys all awe from the kitchen door way. They have been listening to everything. But I wasn't embarrassed at all I didn't care. I wanted people to know how special Andrew was to me and that's that.

Better Days Andrew Siwicki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now