The fight

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Andrew, Shane, Ryland and Morgan sat on the couch as I paced the living room. My heart beating faster and faster and the thought of Andrew going out there and possibly getting hurt played in my mind. I was getting so lost in my thoughts which made my heart be faster and my breathing deeper.

A knock on the door broke me out of my panic state. I looked at the door then Andrew. He got up. Looked at me and then looked towards the door.

Y/N: Andrew... please.. (my eyes begin to water and there's a lump in my throat)

Andrew: Y/N, I'll be okay... please don't cry. (Comes over and uses his thumbs to wipe the tears away)

Andrews hands where placed on either side of my face as his thumbs are wiping the tears escaping from my eyes. I put my hands on his and look into his eyes.

Y/N: You don't need to do this. You don't need to feed into this. He just wants to do this because he's an asshole. Please let's just stay here, and watch a movie till I get tired and end up falling asleep on you or be our weird crazy selves until our ribs hurt. You don't need to do this for us to be happy Andrew. You already make me happiest I could ever be.... (loud bangs on the door break my speech)

Andrew looked as if he was going to change his mind but Chance was screaming that he's a little bitch for not coming out and Andrews pride got the better of him.

Andrew: I love you, we will do this just after I've sorted this out. (He kisses my lips and headed to the door)

Andrew opens the door and I follow him outside along with Shane. Chance is waiting outside with Tony and another guy.

Chance: Finally you show your face.

Andrew laughs. Which is kind of sexy. But then walks right up to Chances face.

Andrew: We going to get this over with coz me and my girl have a night planned. (I literally think he's so attractive right now)

Chance: She won't be your girl once she sees you get ur ass beat (Andrew laughs)

Chance pushes Andrew, and Andrew pushes Chance back. As Chance steps forward about to throw a punch, Andrews fist connects with chances face making him stumble back. Chance regains his stance and throws himself at Andrew but before he could get to Andrew hit him again in the face sending Chance to the floor.

Andrew: Come on dude. Land a hit. (Laughing)

Chance gets up and punches andrew in the side of his face. I gasp and run down towards them. Andrew doesn't seem fazed by the punch and hits Chance in the stomach twice and then a couple of times in the face. I see Andrews face scrunch up like he was in pain so before chance could even think about the next punch I run in between them. Facing Andrew. Tony stands in front of Chance.

Y/N: That's enough now. Please just stop. (Andrew looks at me and then looks at the house) it's done okay. You beat his ass he's not saying anything. So please can we go.

Andrew: If that's what you want. (With a smirk on his face because I said he beat his ass)

I grab Andrews hand and he winces. He has done something to his hand so I tell Shane to throw me the car keys and I take him to the hospital.

---time skip to after the hospital---

Andrew broke his hand. So now he can't do much for at least 4/6 weeks. All because of Chance. I mean Andrew was right after he beat Chance up. Chance has left us alone.

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