Chapter 7 ~ Kale

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"Kale, can you please calm down," called my mother from the kitchen. Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed again.

I have always loved thunderstorms. Mom could never understand why. Same with the fact I always have to draw attention to myself with my motormouth. My family is like Fluttershy from MLP:FiM. There as shy as her. Me, I'm like Pinkie Pie. Always running my mouth. And I am always planing something one way or another. (Yes, I did compare me and my family to a girls TV show and I'm a guy. Blame my freind, Marissa, she loves the show.)

[Kale, you just broke the fourthwall.]

(So. Go home, author.)

[Fine, but let me remind you. You guys asked me to write this out for you. So don't you dare break my fourth wall again. Bye, Dumb***.]

(Bye, Little Dragon. Or else, Girl.)

Lightning tore through my window making me yelp. When it disappeared a guy is floating above the scorch mark the lightning made. He had auburn hair, and blue eyes the color of lightning. He wore a 19th century grey tux.

He said, with the far away voice of someone on TV, "Hello, my name is John. I am..."

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