Prologue, Act 2: The Last Flight of The SSV Normady

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The Sacrifice of Dr. Lupin has launched a new age for Humanity.

Better living, better health.

On May 16th, 2148, Explorers discovered the remains of an Ancient Civilization on Mars, jumpstarting the Space-Race, once more.

Over the next few decades, Humanity discovered massive structures capable of launching ships thousands of Light-Years, granting access to the rest of the Galaxy.

The Civilizations of the Galaxy called it...


In a simple room, where there was only a chair, a window, and holograms detailing vast streams of information, were two people, both looking at a blue star.

"Shepard did everything right, more than we could have hoped!" The Woman said, her Australian accent shining through. "Saving the Citadel -- Even saving the Council. Humanity has the trust of the entire Galaxy..." She turned to The Man, annoyance in her gaze. "... And still, It's not enough."

The Man flicked his cigar, crossing his legs. "Our sacrifices have earned the Council's gratitude, but Shepard remains our best hope." The Man reached behind him, grabbing a datapad handed to him.

"But they're sending her to fight Geth. Geth!" The Woman said, now fully turned to The Man, stepping through the hologram. "We both know that they aren't the real threat... The Reapers are still out there..." She said, hand on her hip.

"And it's up to us to stop them" The Man said, calmly exhaling a bit of smoke.

"The Council will never trust Cerberus -- They'll never accept our help, even after everything Humanity has accomplished." She turned, facing the odd star. "But Shepard... they'll follow her, she's a hero, a bloody icon... but she's just one woman..." She turned back to the Man, "If we lose her... Humanity might well follow."

The Man rubbed the cigar into an ashtray, looking up to reveal unnatural blue eyes, "Then see to it, we don't lose her." He looked at the Datapad, concern growing on his face from the reports...

One Month after the devastating attack on the Citadel, the galactic community struggles to rebuild.

The Alliance Fleet made a tremendous sacrifice to save the Citadel Council, earning Humanity's Membership in their prestigious group.

Now, The Council is forced to respond to evidence that The Reapers - Enormous Machines that eradicate all organic life every 50,000 years - have returned.

To quell the rumors, The Council has sent Commander Shepard and the Normandy to wipe out the last remaining pockets of Geth Resistance.

Officially, The Council blames the invasion on the Geth and their leader, a rogue Specter.

But for those who knew the truth, the search for answers is just the beginning...

Of course, the threat that was coming... would make The Reapers a preferable alternative...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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