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Rajiv rested on the door. "I love you," Rajiv says, and Noyonika hears him. "I messed up so bad, and I am sorry," He said. "I have work tomorrow. Good night," She says. She changed her clothes and went to bed. Noyonika opened the door in the morning and found Vishal there. She was worried about why he was there and what he would say. "I came to meet Rajiv," Vishal says. Vishal came to ask Rajiv to talk to the chairman of the insurance company.

Noyonika sat with them as Vishal informed Rajiv of this case. She added some points, too. "I don't understand. What do you want from me?" Rajiv asks. "You have a friend who is the company's chairman," Vishal says. "If you give me the documents, I will take them to him," Rajiv says. "Thank you so much," Vishal says, standing up. Noyonika got up to see him out, but Rajiv gestured that he would. "How is Noyonika doing?" Rajiv asks.

"What?" Vishal asks. "At work," Rajiv says. "She's doing good, and we are lucky to have her," Vishal says. Noyonika watches their interactions closely until Vishal leaves. Rajiv turned back. "This case was why you went to Kochi," Rajiv says. "Yes, I have to go to work," Noyonika says.

He held her wrist and stopped her from going. "I want to talk about us later tonight," Rajiv says. "No, the girls will be at home. I don't have anything to say to you," Noyonika says. "I have things to say. The girls will stay with their uncle one more night," Rajiv says.

"You can't keep the kids away for two days," Noyonika says. "It's important that we have an adult conversation," Rajiv says. "Focus on winning your court case. I want my kids at home tonight," Noyonika says. She carried her bag and left for work.


"You are five minutes late," Sana says. "Yeah, I am having a complicated week," Noyonika says. "What happened in Kochi?" Sana asks. Noyonika thought for a while about telling her about the kiss with Vishal. She didn't want anyone to witness what was said about it.

"Rajiv and I shared a brief kiss, and then he wanted me to express my grievances concerning him, which I did. Vishal came over to the house to talk to Rajiv. Rajiv wants to keep the girls away again tonight so we can continue talking," Noyonika says. "Hmm, when he kissed you, did the kiss mean anything to you?" Sana asks. "I kissed him. I was down on some alcohol and reminiscing. I don't know if it means something," Noyonika says. "Just talk to the guy. It might help you decide," Sana says.

"I don't want to decide anything. I want to pay my bills. How did your day go?" Noyonika asks. "The police officer and I ended things," Sana says. "Are you okay? We should go out for drinks," Noyonika says. "I don't want to talk about that situation. I am fine," Sana says.

They continue working. Vishal comes to call her. She hadn't seen him since he was in her home. They hadn't talked about the kiss either, but should they? She walked in and saw him sat down on his chair. He was talking to someone over the iPad.

"It's Anisha," Vishal says. She stood beside him as they talked. Anisha informed them that the surgery had been done. Vishal cut the call as the conversation was over. "You fought hard for this client. Congrats," Noyonika says. "It's our win. Rajiv helped us a great deal," He says. "I am going back to work," Noyonika says.


Noyonika opened the door to her home. Her nostrils were hit with the delicious smell of food. She walked in and saw the dining table set. Rajiv was standing over it. "Hey, welcome home," Rajiv says. "Where are the kids?" Noyonika asks. "They went to Mom's place," Rajiv says.

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