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"I think I am becoming more lenient with Rajiv. We kissed yesterday," Noyonika tells Sana. "Did you enjoy it?" Sana asks. "I don't know. I still feel weird about him," Noyonika says. "What are your reservations?" Sana asks. "He lies, cheats. He embarrassed me and the girls. He makes me feel undesirable," Noyonika says.

"I shouldn't have stayed at home. I could have been a working mother; I would have my firm now. I wouldn't be competing with a kid half my age," She says. "Do you want to fix your marriage?" Sana asks. "It doesn't make sense to divorce him now, but I don't know if we can be fixed," Noyonika says. "You can't forgive him?" Sana asks. "I don't think I'll be able to," Noyonika says.

"What are your thoughts on Vishal?" Sana asks. "He is my boss, and I'm still very married. There was another kiss yesterday," Noyonika says. "Wow. Can I gift you a vibrator?" Sana asks. "Would you shut up? Sex is not my priority," Noyonika says. "I am going to get you one because you will need it eventually, so you don't have to be pressed to go for one of them," Sana says.

"Vishal is not an option at all. Rajiv, I dislike him," Noyon says. "You have kissed him twice. Are you sure he is not an option?" Sana asks. "I'm not going to sleep with him," Noyonika says. "I think that's wonderful news. Let's work," Sana says. They paid for their lunch and returned to the office. Vishal called Noyonika to come to his office.

"I have just gotten a huge case that would bring much money to the law firm. I would like us to work together on it," Vishal says. "Sure, what is the case about?" Noyonika asks. "It's a divorce case," Vishal says. "Divorce??" Noyonika asks. "Yes, what's the problem," He says, looking back at his screen. "I have worked here for almost six months, and you have never handled a divorce case. What's happening?" She says.

"There is no particular reason. A close friend asked specifically for my help," He says. "Okay, sure," She says. He hands her the file. "We are having the meeting tomorrow morning. Be prepared," Vishal says. Noyonika nods, takes the file and leaves the office. She went to her seat, and Sana came with the file for another case. They sat and discussed it.

"He is asking me to join him on a divorce case," Noyonika says. "So?" Sana asks. "He has not handled such a case in a long time. Why would he call me?" She asks. "You have handled a few divorce cases since you have been here. He must need your expertise," Sana says. "What if he is trying to use this case to nudge me to divorce?" Noyonika asks. "You are overthinking things at this point," Sana says. "I must be," Noyonika says.


Noyonika sat at the dining table going over the divorce case she needed to handle tomorrow. The girls had gone to bed, and Rajiv was lying on his couch. He looked up at her. "It's midnight. Go to bed," He says. "I am working," She says. "Don't you have to go to work early tomorrow," He says. "Yes, but Vishal and I have to speak to this client tomorrow," She says.

"Vishal and I. Both of you have been working closely," He says, in that jealous tone. "Yes, we have been working closely. Is that a problem?" She says. "No, as long as he knows not to get too close to my woman," He says. Noyonika chuckles. "Who is your woman?" She asks. "You. You are mine," He says. "When you were sleeping with prostitutes and other women, what was I?" Noyonika asks.

"You were still mine then, and you are still mine now. I want you back, Noyonika, and I have made myself clear. I will wait for you to forgive me," He says. He gets up and walks close to her. He leans into her ears. "You are my wife, so you are mine, unless you decide not to be, of course," He says, kissing her cheeks. She kept quiet. "What are you working on?" He asks. "I can't show you my client's private information and it's a divorce case you cannot help," She says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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