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Two wrongs don't make a right, so she can't cheat on him. She won't! She opened the keys to the house and entered. She was surprised that she didn't see Rajiv in the living room. "Did he leave? Does he want to get arrested?" Noyonika thinks. She takes her bag into her bedroom, and that's when the door opens. Her husband comes out of a steaming shower in all his glory. Without any clothes.

"Hello, where are your clothes?" Noyonika asks. She turns her back to him. "Right there in your bed. I didn't know you would be here now. I was just taking a shower," Rajiv says. "Why are you still not dressed?" Noyonika asks as she faces him. "I went to the shower and just came out. Besides, you have seen me like this before," Rajiv says.

He walked closer to his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist. "So what if I have seen you like this? Things have changed after I found out that you have been cheating on me," Noyonika says. He kisses her cheeks and then her forehead. "Would you get away from me?" Noyonika asks. "You look hot in these pants," He says, gripping her ass. She moaned.

Rajiv carried her and lifted her up with her legs wrapped around his waist. "Put me down now," Noyonika says. "Don't you miss us rolling around the bed?" Rajiv asks. "I am not going to sleep with you. If you want to have sex, either use your hands, or I will call you somebody," Noyonika says. Rajiv put her down and kissed her forehead. He went back into the bathroom and wrapped himself with a towel.

"Can I have some privacy to get dressed?" Rajiv asks. "Okay," she says and excuses him. Noyonika goes to drink a cup of water. "First, Vishal tells me he wants to kiss me, and then Rajiv decides to try to seduce me. What's going on?" Noyonika thinks. The next thing, Rajiv is at her back and stretches to get a glass cup above her.

"The children are coming tomorrow," Rajiv says. "Great," Noyonika says. She goes into her room and locks the door. Then she goes to shower. When she's out, Rajiv has served her a plate of food. "Thank you," she says. Welcome," he says, folding clothes. It's quite nice seeing you domesticated. I wish the reasons weren't for this," Noyonika says.

"I started watching the next season of Bridgeton," Rajiv says. "What! You are watching it without me," Noyonika says. "Well, you are busy at work, and I am at home idle. I needed something to do," Rajiv says. "It's supposed to be our thing. We watch it together," Noyonika protests. She takes the remote from him and puts it on Netflix. "Our thing," Rajiv smirks.

"Eww, can you please stop acting like that? What was that game you played in my bedroom? You were trying to seduce me," Noyonika says. "Me seduce you. As if that's possible. You are too stern, and I know you hate my guts right now," Rajiv says. "Good thing you know," Noyonika says. "But your ass looks good in those office pants. People must be staring at them when you walk past," Rajiv says.

"No one stares at me," Noyonika says, rolling her eyes. She focused on returning to the first episode of the season she wanted to watch. "You are highly mistaken. Even I couldn't resist looking at you," Rajiv says. "Keep all that information to yourself. You aren't going to butter me up, and then I will forget the hurt and pain you caused me," Noyonika says.

"I wasn't scheming. Just accept the compliment that you are hot in your office wear," Rajiv says, getting up to put the clothes away. Noyonika got up and tried to look at her butt. "It's not any different. He is just trying to make you fall weak," Noyonika thinks.


Noyonika was dressed for work in the morning. She stood in front of the mirror and then turned to look at her derrière. Rajiv happened to enter at that moment and smiled. "Trust me, you are hot," He says. "Why didn't you knock? Go back and knock," She says. Rajiv rolled his eyes and went back outside. He knocked on the door and came back in. "Come in," She says. "I came to get my toothbrush," He says.

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