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Rajiv met with his friend and lawyer all day, planning how they would try to prove him innocent in front of the court. "More than ever, I am desperate not to go to jail. I want to be with Noyonika and the girls. I want to do better this time, and I need your help," he said to his lawyer at the end of the day.

His mother heard everything and felt terrible that her son had to endure all this. She wondered why Noyonika hadn't forgiven him in these two months. Rajiv had been entirely focused on trying to make up for his wrongs. He was taking care of the children and cooking for them to reduce her stress. Her son was doing all the work in the house.

Noyonika was working late again, and Vishal saw her. "Hey, you know the company is doing well again. Malini and I don't have to decide between you and Gaurav. You don't need to work this late," Vishal says. I am doing this out of my own free will. Besides, I might ask for leave soon, so I must be on my best behaviour," Noyonika says. "Pack your things and go home," Vishal says.

"Yes, boss," Noyonika teases him. She gets up to pack the things from her bag but knocks it all out. Then Vishal approaches her to help her pack her things, and then he sees the condom pack. "Are you and Rajiv back together in this way?" Vishal asks. Noyonika grabs it from him, embarrassed. She finishes packing all her things and gets up.

Vishal felt fidgety and didn't want to imagine Noyonika and Rajiv together. He had managed to control his feelings in these past five months that they had been working together because he didn't see a future for them. He just felt that she was still with him so he could get out of jail and they could get properly divorced. Well, it was wrong for him to assume that.

"No, I just got it in emergency situations," She says. "Emergency," He repeated.  Vishal pulled her into his body and looked into her eyes.  "Vishal, I need to go," She says, tone low and breathy. "I know," He says. He stepped closer to her and leaned into her. His arms slid down to her waist, and she looked at him expectedly. His lips moved closer to hers, and she closed her eyes, and he kissed her.

The kiss was filled with lust and great desire, so much so that she ended up dropping her bag to the floor. She held his shirt tight. He kissed her passionately, making her back hit the wall. Noyonika felt the need for pleasure arises in her body. She had moaned into the kiss. "Don't sleep with him, please," Vishal says, pulling away from the kiss.

Noyonika picked up her things and rushed into the car. Vishal's kiss afforded her a desire she had not felt in months. She smiled briefly, reminiscing about how his lips felt on hers and the desire she felt from having him close to her. Then she remembered who she was, and all her feelings evaporated. "This is what Sana meant by I need to decide what I want to do," Noyonika says. She sat in her chair and drove off when she felt calm.


"You have a husband and kids. You shouldn't be coming home so late. I have to talk to you," her mother-in-law said. "Haan, what happened, Ma?" Noyonika asks. "Rajiv has been trying hard to prove to you and the kids that he is changed. Have you seen his efforts?" her mother-in-law asks. "Yes, he is doing a lot for the girls, and they are happy about it," Noyonika says.

"Don't you see his efforts towards you? He is doing all the things that are your duty, and he is being patient. "My son is still sleeping on the couch," Rajiv says. "I am sorry, but Rajiv and I are not having a minor fight. He slept with other women, and not only that, there was a tape for everyone in the world to see and ridicule me. He is involved in a money scandal and could be going to jail for years," Noyonika says.

"Even if you can't forgive him at once, I don't see you are making an effort like he is taking care of the house," her mother-in-law said. I am working hard to put food on the table and pay his lawyer bills. The least he could do is make food for his kids," Noyonika says, getting up.

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