Chapter 1

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Prologue: Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow

Many looked surprised at this but didn't speak up, still nervous from being stuck in a random room with strangers.

Violin music filled the room as an image of Herta's space station appeared

"Oh?" Herta hummed in interest, curious about her station appearing on screen while Arlan and Asta exchanged wary looks.

They hoped nothing too important would be shared.

before transitioning to a beautiful lady with purple hair, Kafka, smiling while pretending to play a violin.

"Oh great, are we supposed to watch the Stellaron Hunters? How boring," Yanqing frowned.

"Now now, we might be able to receive more information about them," Jing Yuan calmly said.

"Indeed," Fu Xuan nodded. "That bear did tell us we will be watching important parts of the the past, present and future."

"I wonder what's so interesting about them," Pela wondered, having never heard of 'Stellaron Hunters' until now.

"Nothing." Yukong said, ending the possible conversation, especially because no one wanted to protest considering they agreed although for different reasons - some hated the group with a burning passion, others just wanted to return to their homes, and the rest were too curious about the prospect of seeing their own future.

It then switched to three enemies landing in a room filled with inhabitants.

"What is that?!" someone shouted while pointing at the menacing enemies. Noticing their presence, panic immediately ensured as everyone ran for their lives while screaming, "Ahhhh!"

'So it's going to show the attack that happened just recently,' those present then realized.

"So we are going to watch the future soon!" March exclaimed in excitement.

"What makes you say that?" someone asked curiously.

"Because this just happened," March enthusiastically explained.

"I see," many nodded in understanding.

The screen then switched to Kafka who continued playing around before showing the outside of the spaceship where countless enemies appeared. A girl with short pink hair, Asta, then appeared, giving clear commands for evacuation in order for everyone to escape properly.

"Lead the evacuation, quickly!" she ordered as a boy with white hair turning black at the tips, Arlan, fought the enemy with desperation, protecting those evacuating.

"Ugh... go!" he yelled to the slow-moving people around him.

"Amazing leadership skills," Herta replied with a bland tone, causing many to wonder if she was serious or not. "And good job protecting the people."

"Uhh..." Asta and Arlan exchanged quick glances, unsure of what to say due to surprise.

"Thank you for the compliment." Asta decided to say.

Herta just nodded.

It then switched to a pair, a boy with black hair and a girl with light pink, running and fighting the enemies.

Some sat up straighter, recognizing the person on screen.

'I'm glad he's doing alright,' Jing Yuan thought with a small smile. While he might have seen Dan Heng in the room in pristine condition, seeing this on screen still assured him.

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