Chapter 3

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  Wow, I can't believe another year has passed so easily... Well, anyway, since we ended Christmas with a chapter, let's start the year with a new chapter hehe~ ^^ I hope everyone has a great year ahead of them!

Q&A: Who do you want to pull for in the current and future patches?  I personally pulled for Blade and am thinking of pulling for Jing Yuan and Jingliu in the future (have to complete the quintet ahahaha!)

"Alright, break's over, everyone good to continue?" Lynn asked after two hours.



"Why was the break so long?"

"Let's go!"

"I'm so excited, I was waiting for days!"

"It was just two hours."

"It felt like days to me."

Everyone voiced their agreement and Lynn turned the screen on.

"That guy can't have gotten too far! Let's search nearby," March said as they began looking everywhere until they came across the man.

"I wonder what they'll do now that they met Sampo," Seele mused as Sampo paled, having forgotten that the trio were looking for him because he brought their serious-looking friend to the fight club even if he had good intentions (at least that's what he believed, who knows what his future self was thinking).

'Please don't use your spear to hit me again,' he thought. 'Especially not the sharp edge.'

"H—Hey! It's you! I was just thinking to myself: "Am I getting robbed? Who are these people following me?" So, y'know, you start to walk a little faster, and... Anyhoo if I'd just turned around, I could've thrown open my arms and said a big "hi" to my old friends," Sampo smiled sheepishly as he received three unamused stares.

"We are sure he's a good guy, right?" Sushang asked Luocha who sat beside her.

"...I believe so," Luocha responded after some time. "Although it is hard to believe considering his sly nature."

"He's not going to be like the Supreme guardian and backstab them, too, right?" Sushang continued asking. "Just in a different way?"

Luocha pondered for a moment, "No, I believe he'll help them. For now, at least, since that is his home planet. I am unsure if he will continue remaining friendly after the crisis has been solved, however."

"Okay, thanks," Sushang smiled at him before continuing to watch, her curiosity satisfied.

"Save it. You saw us in there and got scared, so you pulled a runner," March bluntly said.

Many nodded in agreement.

"He definitely looked guilty trying to run away from you," Yanqing said.

Sampo looked surprised, "Me? Scared? Hahaha, my friends, what do I have to fear? *gasp* Surely I haven't done anything to offend you?"

Sampo received blank stares.

"Yeah, it's not like you basically threw us to those guards just to save your own skin," March sarcastically said. 

"I came back, didn't I?" Sampo argued with a pitiful look. "And everything went well, no?"

"You came back after we were about to be arrested, again," Caelus bluntly spoke up. "And no, not everything went well. We were basically backstabbed by the hag!"

"That wasn't my fault," Sampo weakly voiced out. 

"You threw us to the Silvermane Guards!" Caelus bitterly said.

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