Chapter 2

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SURPRISE! HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I'm so glad I was able to publish this on time. I'm so excited to spend my first Christmas with all of you, ehehe! Even if I just started writing this story, I really enjoyed writing it and also had fun reading your comments so I decided to give you all a little gift in the form of a chapter to end this day. I hope you all like it!

Well, that's all for now and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! And, if you don't celebrate it, then I hope you had a beautiful day! ^^

PS: Which storyline do you prefer, Belobog or Xianzhou? Additionally, which lore do you love better between the two? Personally, I prefer Belobog in terms of storytelling but the Xianzhou in terms of lore (the quintet's lore hurts yet intrigues me so badly!).

"Good morning, everyone!" Lynn greeted with a red hat. "Did you have a good night sleep? No one died, right?"

"No one died yet," Jingliu replied. 

"Why would someone die?" Qing Que asked, baffled but received no reply.

"Okay...well, let's go watch the next episode and see the new world, okay?" Lynn giggled nervously as she played the screen.

'It's time for the moment of truth,' both Natasha and Bronya thought. 'Is this really our world or just a similar one?' 

Chapter I: In the Withering Wintry Night: A Grand Cool Adventure 

The screen opened to reveal Caelus who was approaching Dan Heng who stood in the back of the train near the stairs.

"Are you doing okay after your first jump?" he asked. "Dizziness or retching are normal reactions. You'll feel better once you get used to it."

"How quickly does someone get used to it?" Luka asked with interest. 

"It depends on the person," Himeko explained. "It took me around five jumps, March needed ten jumps and Dan Heng only took two to three jumps. I'm unsure about Welt, though."

"It took me a jump or two," Welt replied.

"I see," Luka nodded before sighing. "I want to join now to see how quickly I can get used to it."

"Wow, what a great reason to join," Seele sarcastically commented.

"I feel fine."

"So you have high compatibility with the Express. That's good," Dan Heng nodded. 

"How envious," March pouted, remembering the times she felt sick after a jump.

Caelus simply smirked at her. 

"I went through the Express's database, and it seems the environment on Jarilo-VI has undergone drastic changes in the past few centuries. It was not a frozen planet to begin with."

"Welt says it was caused by a Stellaron," Caelus said.

"He said so? 

"I can't believe this stellaron has the power to freeze an entire planet," Sushang said. "No wonder it is considered as a cancer for planets."

"It's scary, right?"

Hmm... considering the spatial obstacles that the star rail has encountered, it's highly possible. I've conducted a preliminary survey and found that there's one area with a relatively normal temperature on the surface of the planet. By "normal," I mean a temperature that just about allows for human survival. If I had to choose a site for initial investigation on this trailblazing expedition, that would be it," Dan Heng shared.

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