Chapter 5

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The screen opened up and showed the three trailblazers, Seele, Oleg and Sampo.

"Well my friends, are you ready to head out?" Sampo asked.

"I can't believe we're finally going back to the overworld after so long," March said with a sigh of relief. "The underworld's nice and all but it's too dreary."

"Tell me about it," Caelus agreed.

March looked at him incredulously, "Uh-huh, yet you want to live in the mansion down there forever."

"Not forever," Caelus denied. "Just for some time."

"Let's go," Caelus nodded.

"Wonderful! Remember to bring enough food and drink to refuel on the way. We have a lot of steps to climb!" Sampo reminded as they bid farewell to Seele and Oleg. 

March and Caelus groaned as Dan Heng also looked a little disturbed, already feeling the exhaustion even when they haven't done it yet. 

"Himekooo, are we really not allowed to just bust through everything, seal the stellaron and leave?" March whined as Himeko smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, March, you know we can't do that," she replied. "But look at the bright side, isn't it fun exploring and visiting everything?"

March pouted but agreed. "It is nice to have more memories."

The screen then transitioned to Bronya walking towards Cocolia with a serious look on her face.

The Jarilo-VI citizens, especially Serval and Seele, stiffened. 

"Mother..." Bronya whispered as she closed her eyes. A part of her longed for her mother's assurances that not everything is what it seems and that she wasn't a horrible and selfish person but Bronya knew everything they were shown was true and that her mother was really selfish enough to allow everyone to suffer.

"It will be okay," Seele assured her.

"Mother, I have returned," she said as Cocolia looked at her with relief.

"Bronya! I thought... I thought I'd lost you," Cocolia said with a caring face. "Where were you? A—Are you hurt? I'll fetch the butler right away—"

"She's really good at acting like a mother."

"I wonder just how true is that action of hers."

"Is there even a hint of truth? Perhaps everything is a lie."

"In my opinion, I don't believe that you can spend so much time with someone without caring for them, even a little bit."

"Oh, Topaz, you're still so naïve."

"I'm not!" 

Bronya interrupted her. "No, there's no need! I don't want to see Sebas right now. Sorry, mother... I'm fine, really. I just got into a few skirmishes down in the Underworld, but nothing I couldn't handle."

"You don't say."

"Pfft, bold of you to call a fight with Svarog and the other vagrants as 'a few skirmishes'," Luka joked with a laugh.

"Ah, no, I-" Bronya felt embarrassed and tried explaining but was waved off.

"We know, he's just joking," Seele said.

"The Underworld? Oh... I see. In that case, report everything you saw, Commander Bronya."

"What a quick switch," Yanqing said, briefly reminded of the general. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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