Part 26

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If Beatrice thought Ava in Hong Kong was something to write home about, she wasn't ready for Ava in Orlando. Her Disney knowledge has greatly improved, easily recognising characters old and new, but the first thing she actually wants to do is get some new charms for their Pandora bracelets.

"You're really intent on covering me in jewellery, aren't you?" Beatrice points out, gently swinging their hands, the Main Street, USA buzzing all around them.

Ava smiles at her. "I like the way it feels on my skin," she says. "I also like the way it looks on you."

"I aim to please," Beatrice assures, and Ava's eyes gets a little glazed, probably caught in a memory definitely not suitable around so many little children. "Ava."

She just laughs, pulling Beatrice towards yet another store. She still wants to make it to Space Mountain within the next few hours, so Beatrice is keeping an eye on the time.

Ava gets herself a faded orange Mickey Mouse cap, and then a pair of colourful boxers for Beatrice, claiming, "I think I will actually combust if you were to wear these and only these."

Beatrice will put up a decent amount of a fight, but they both already know she'll give in if it means making Ava happy.

They do end up riding Space Mountain two times, the first better than the second, before Ava decides she wants to play Guitar Hero. Truthfully, Beatrice's ears are still a little red from the ride, her equilibrium struggling to right itself, and Ava just holds on even tighter to her.

"You're so cute," Ava declares. "My badass ninja girlfriend can't even handle a little rollercoaster."

"That was not little," Beatrice immediately points out. "That was - it was - "

"It was amazing,"

Beatrice chuckles, arm draped over Ava's shoulders. "Yeah, it was pretty amazing."

Four rounds of Guitar Hero later, a litany of Coldplay and Mumford and Sons songs stuck in their heads, they go in search of dinner.

This life, what they're doing with it, feels good and easy. They've already been through so much, so Beatrice repeatedly tells herself that they deserve it.

They do.

They also have time, making sure to explore each Park thoroughly, riding every ride they can, and immersing themselves in every experience they can. Ava thoroughly enjoys the Tower of Terror - they have the pictures to prove it - and Beatrice laughs herself silly when Ava attempts karaoke.

Beatrice sends a few pictures to Camila, deeply aware that their set aside three months of travel are going to come to an end soon. They can, perhaps, fit in one more place before they have to return to Europe, and just the thought is enough to make her feel like they're already running out of time.

Maybe Ava senses it too, because she crawls into bed one night at their resort, drapes her body over Beatrice's like she's been doing more often, and says, "What happens when we return?"

"We'll have to amp up our training," she starts to say.

"No, Bea," Ava says, hand on Beatrice's shoulder. "I mean with us. How do we act? Will we be allowed to be together? Can you be a nun again? I mean, I think I know the answer to that, and I don't know how you and I have a relationship if you're - "


"I just want to know."

Beatrice meets her gaze, noting the lingering fear in her eyes. "I think we're both going to have to be a bit like Mary," she finally says, because Beatrice can never be a nun now, but that doesn't mean she won't be part of the OCS.

Ava blinks. "Whoa."


"Did I just von Trapp you?"

It takes a moment, but then Beatrice chuckles. "Are you really referring to The Sound of Music right now?"

"I totally did, didn't I?" Ava says. "I seduced a nun."

"Ava," Beatrice admonishes, but she can't stop her laugh. "Don't look so proud."

"But I am," she insists, getting close enough to kiss Beatrice's jaw. "I'm literally doing God's work."


Ava's hands slide down, slipping under Beatrice's t-shirt. "Here I am," Ava says, "Oh ye noblewoman resurrected solely to bring His most trusted nun all the pleasure in the world."

"This is getting weird."

Ava just hums, one hand sliding down, finding the waistband of the boxers she put Beatrice in minutes earlier. "I could definitely make it weirder."

"Please don't."

"He basically told me to go down on you."

"Ava!" Beatrice squeaks, her own hands grabbing onto Ava's wrists.

"Yip," she says, nuzzling Beatrice's cheek. "That's exactly the name you should be calling out."

Beatrice literally can't stop her smile, so she doesn't even bother. "I am so in love with you."

"That's what we like to hear," she murmurs, and then proceeds to try to get Beatrice to say her name in various other contexts.

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