Part 6

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It's a voice to their right, and Beatrice tenses. Ava just pats her back, releasing her slowly and giving her an easy smile. "It's okay," she says. "It's just Stefanos."

Beatrice raises her eyebrows.

Ava just laughs. "Easy, Bea," she says. "You know you're my one and only."

Beatrice flushes at the sound of those words, watching as Ava turns towards the voice. Towards Stefanos, who is actually a grown man in his late forties, standing with what looks like his wife and daughter.

"He's our host," Ava tells Beatrice, preparing her for Stefanos' approach. Beatrice just watches as he confirms that the dripping tap in the bathroom has been fixed and is good to go. Ava thanks him, and then pulls Beatrice forward by the hand, introducing her with the words, "This is Beatrice," as if that should mean something to him.

It does, though, because his face lights up in recognition. "You did say she was on the way," he says, his accent quite thick. He looks at Beatrice. "I've heard good things."

Beatrice blinks, her own manners making her duck her head in acknowledgment as she presents her hand. "It's good to meet you," she says, still a bit unsure about where they all stand.

Stefanos, at least, doesn't linger, letting them go a minute later, and then Ava is bending to pick up Beatrice's bag, getting them moving again. Beatrice follows, and it really isn't that far. The town, itself, is small - possibly three times smaller than where they were before - so they reach their destination quite quickly.

The place, itself, is above a furniture store, and they have to enter from an outside staircase, climbing to the second floor and entering an apartment that feels more coastal than Beatrice expected.

"Would you like a tour?" Ava asks, suddenly sounding nervous. "I've been here only a few days, so I haven't had a chance to - "

"Ava," Beatrice interrupts. "I don't really care where we stay."

"I'm pretty sure you'd want a working toilet, though, right?"

"I could camp."

Ava laughs. "Let's not, though," she says. "I like luxuries." Her expression softens. "I like you."


Ava's just going to say it, is she?

Beatrice told herself she would tell Ava how she felt, but the words fail her now. Ava doesn't seem to mind, looking mildly amused by Beatrice's lack of response. Right now, she reaches out and pulls her through the small space. It isn't much, which they've learned to live with, but it's just big enough, a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and a small balcony.

"I made sure it had a desk," Ava tells her. "Where else are you going to do your whole Organised-Beatrice thing?"

"You thought of me," Beatrice states rather than asks, because here is the evidence right here.

"I tend to," Ava admits, and it's there: this thing they haven't quite spoken about but seem to understand about each other. "I've thought about little else."

Beatrice takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. "You said you got here only a few days ago," she says. "Where were you before? What did you have to do?"

Ava just smiles at her. "Did I tell you that I missed you?"

Beatrice shakes her head. "We're not going to talk about it tonight, are we?"

"If I can help it," Ava says. "I want to show you around first, take you to dinner, hold your hand, just enjoy some time with you. Without, you know, dark forces conspiring all around us."

Beatrice looks at her now, aware her own expression softens. Ava is looking back at her, smile tinged with nerves, as if she expects Beatrice to say no. Again.

Beatrice won't ever say no to her again.

Well. Within reason.

She steps forward, left hand reaching out for Ava's. "Are you okay, though?" she asks. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better now that you're here," Ava answers easily, which is a soft deflection.

"Indulge me," Beatrice asks. "Just tell me you're okay. Because I can't - I still see - "

"I never wanted you to have to watch me die," Ava tells her solemnly. "It's why I didn't want you to follow."

"Would I have been able to stop you?"

"You did it so well the first time," Ava points out. "Mostly, I don't think I could have gone through with it if you'd asked me not to."

Beatrice wonders if she would have. If Ava had filled her in on the other plan, would Beatrice have held on tighter?

Ava shakes her head, trying to clear it. "Not tonight, Bea," she says. "Please. Let's just. For one night, can we just - "

Beatrice smiles with all the affection she feels for this beautiful, unassuming girl. "We can," she agrees. "But only if you ask nicely."

"I'm always nice."

Beatrice lifts her eyebrows.

"I am," Ava insists. "I'm so nice that I'm even going to let you pick which restaurant you want to go to."


"I know."

Beatrice gently tugs on Ava's hand, pulling her closer. "Ava," she murmurs.


"I've missed you, too."

Ava stares at her for a moment, and then she grins. "Your life must have been super boring without me," she says.

"All ninety minutes, you mean?"

Ava looks thoughtful. "That long, huh?"

"Longer for you?"

Ava's hands move to her shoulders, turning her and getting closer. "Days," she says. "Weeks, Bea. Without you." Her eyes are wet now. "I don't want to go through that ever again." Her hands move to Beatrice's neck, then her cheeks, cradling them in a way that Beatrice usually does with her. "I know it's selfish, but I don't care. I just want to be selfish with you. Please be selfish with me, too."

Beatrice breathes in, smelling only Ava. "Okay," she says. "Okay, Ava."

"So yes?" Ava asks. "We're going on a date."

Beatrice's eyes open comically wide. "Wait. What?"

Ava grins. "Yes, Bea," she says. "I'm going to wine and dine you, and maybe we'll go dancing. Maybe we'll - "

"I should change."

Ava looks down, and then back up. "I mean, you don't have to," she says, deliberately slowly. "Unless you want to, of course, but you should know I generally like your style." She giggles. "Your vibe."

Oh, goodness, Beatrice loves this adorable idiot.

"I'm also pretty hungry," Ava adds, which draws a laugh from Beatrice.

It's why they find themselves on the street again mere minutes later. Ava takes hold of her hand and holds onto it tightly as they set off in some direction. Ordinarily, Beatrice would be more concerned with where they are, what they're doing, and who could possibly see them, but she doesn't care right now. It's freeing, and worrying.

Ava seems happy, though. Giddy, even. She keeps glancing at Beatrice as if she can't believe she's actually there, her expression giving away her wonder.

Beatrice doesn't know how much time they have, but she knows they have it. They should just enjoy it, shouldn't they? The whole idea isn't typically in Beatrice's nature, but Ava brings it out of her, and she's choosing to believe it's in the best way.

A night out on the town with Ava is always going to be filled with new experiences, but it becomes apparent to them both quite quickly that neither one of them has been on any kind of official date before. They've gone out together, just the two of them, for meals and a handful of movies, that one night at the bar as well, but this is -

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