Part 29

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I promise we'll go on a longer honeymoon soon," Beatrice tells her, three days later, watching Ava pout as she finalises her packing. "We'll go to all the places we haven't been."

"Reckon we can actually swing by Barcelona?" Ava asks, eyes hopeful.

Beatrice is tempted - truly, she is - and she spends a moment seriously considering if they could possibly fit it in. She could say yes to Ava now - like she has so many times before - but their final return date was always concrete. The fact they've managed to see so much already is already quite a feat.

"I promise we'll go," Beatrice finally tells her. "There are other places we missed, as well."

"Iceland," Ava says, stuffing her socks in the side of her bag and keeping her face carefully angled away. Beatrice can already picture the disappointment, though.

"For a honeymoon?"

"It's just on the list."

"And Vietnam," Beatrice adds.

"We should go to India. I want to see the Taj Mahal."

Beatrice abandons her own packing and moves towards her. The airport shuttle is still an hour away from fetching them, their flight later in the evening, and Beatrice wishes they weren't both so sad about having to leave.

"No," Ava says, noticing Beatrice's approach. "If you touch me, I'm not responsible for what I'll do. I just - let's get on the plane and we can figure it out from there."

Beatrice touches her anyway, hands reaching for her hips and drawing her close. "I can't stand the look on your face right now."

"Let's just go back to Cape Town."

Beatrice manages a smile. "We already decided, remember?"

"I remember," she grumbles. "But plans can change, right? I mean, look at us. Did you expect nearly half the things we've done?"

"Definitely some more than others."

Ava picks at the buttons of her shirt, suitably distracted. "Do we have time for one more round?" she asks. "Just for the road."

Beatrice truly would deny her nothing, but they don't actually have time. "If you finish packing in the next ten minutes, maybe we can pay one last visit to the beach," she offers instead.

Ava just pecks her lips, and then gives into the decent trade. They have a long flight ahead of them, Beatrice picking her clothes to be the most comfortable for travel. Absently, she considers what it would mean to change her name now. Because she really is Beatrice Silva now, isn't she?

"I got you one more charm," Ava tells her, turning to face her, slight flush to her cheeks. "For your bracelet. It's a compass, within a Halo. I saw it, and I just thought - here is this person who will always find me. She'll stop at nothing and nobody, because she loves me so damn much, and I just - I wanted you to know it's what I always want, you know? For you to find me. Maybe this will help."

If possible, Beatrice falls even more in love. And she means it when she watches Ava slip the charm on, her mouth opening to say, "I will always find you."

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