Chapter - 8

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This chapter is dedicated to ZJPlays

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This chapter is dedicated to ZJPlays

prachi2457 Sunshinek2

Pls ignore typos...

Khushi sat in the cab, casting one last glance at Raizada Mansion. She knew deep down that what she was doing was not right. She should have waited for Arnav. But she couldn't bear the presence of Anjali and Sheetal in the same house, especially Sheetal and her son. If Arnavji truly wanted her back, he had to be clear about his priorities. She was tired of being everyone's second choice. Ever since her parents passed away and she was adopted by Guptas, she had always felt like an option. For them, it was always Payal Jiji. But she never complained. 

After her marriage, she expected her Arnavji to prioritize her, to love her, and care for her the most. However, she was never his priority. For him, his Di always came before her. He was always willing to do anything for his Di and her happiness. She accepted it, albeit painfully, believing in Arnavji's love. Thinking that Arnavji loved her deeply and she had someone to call her own. 

But everything changed when Sheetal entered their lives. Arnavji started spending more time with Sheetal and her son, catering to his Di's demands, while she was left feeling neglected. Now, it wasn't just about her; she had a life growing inside her, her baby who deserved unconditional love. She couldn't bear the thought of her baby yearning for her father's love and attention.

For Arnavji, his Di's Rajkumari will be more important than his own baby. She couldn't stand him being biased and taking their baby for granted. She is enough for her baby. If Arnavji wanted them back in his life, he needed to get his priorities straight. Until then, she would take care of her baby. They would be happy together.

Khushi knew she had to be strong for her baby. With determination, she wiped away a single tear that escaped her eye and looked out of the window. The cab pulled up at the bus station. She paid the fare, shouldered her bag, and walked towards the bus station, resolved to start anew for the sake of her unborn.



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We interrupt your regular programming with urgent news coming in from Agra. A powerful earthquake, measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale, struck the city earlier today, causing widespread panic and damage.

Reports are still coming in, but it is evident that several buildings have collapsed, trapping many residents inside. Rescue teams are on their way to the affected areas, but the extent of the damage is making their efforts challenging.

In addition to the earthquake, Agra is now facing severe flooding due to heavy rains following the quake. The overflowing Yamuna River has submerged low-lying areas, displacing thousands of people and adding to the city's crisis.

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