Chapter - 11

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Arnav was discharged, and he was taken home. Vedh wanted him to be shifted to his house, but Arnav was against it. He wanted to spend time with his Khushi and their beautiful princess. So, they moved to their penthouse in Mumbai.

Days passed, but Arnav could feel that Khushi was not herself anymore. She avoided him, though it didn't mean she ignored him. She did everything to make him comfortable and talked to him about their princess. But still, something was missing. Now, Arnav was able to walk and talk normally, though the doctor asked him not to strain his voice much for a few more days and to be careful when walking. He wasn't allowed to use stairs as it needed a few more weeks for him to be completely cured. Arnav decided it was high time he talked to Khushi and knew what was on her mind. He remembered her saying they needed to have a serious talk, but it never happened because of his treatment sessions. Now, it was time. He decided. He walked towards their room where Khushi was putting their baby to sleep. But as soon as the baby saw Arnav, she smiled and started bouncing in Khushi's arms. Arnav laughed seeing it and scooped his treasure in his arms.

Arnav: Oh, my cutie pie... Why haven't you slept yet, huh? He said, kissing her adorable cheeks. The baby smiled and patted his cheeks. Arnav looked at her affectionately. She was a carbon copy of him, except for the hair texture she inherited from her mom. She even had dimples. He showered her with kisses all over her face to make her laugh, which in turn made Khushi laugh too. Then, he sat beside Khushi, embraced her from the side, and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Arnav: Thank you for everything, Khushi. You've given me the most precious gift of all time. I feel truly fortunate to have you and our princess in my life. Your Devi Mayya isn't nonexistent as I once believed. Now I understand what you meant by 'she is the one who decides our life.' But she was unfair to you. I know we need to talk. Look, our baby is asleep now. Come, let's go to the living room and have the important conversation that's been pending.

Khushi nodded, and they walked outside, settling onto the couch.

Arnav carefully placed his bundle of joy on the plush bean bed, but she started crying as soon as she lost the warmth of her Dada. Quickly, he scooped her up and cradled her.

Suddenly, his phone rang, startling the baby. He cursed the caller and switched it off.

Khushi: What if it's an important call?

Arnav: To hell with an important call. Didn't you see my baby jerking and crying? She got scared, he said, kissing the baby's hands.

Khushi felt happy to see his concern for their baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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