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it's not my fault that she's not letting me treat her " aria said as she pouted a little.

I made a disgusting face at her pout.

"Well then guess that I have to treat her Miss you're too bad right now look at your wounds "soenghwa said as he sat beside me fiddling inside the first aid box .

"You fell pretty hard I saw it " a guy with red hair and was pretty tall said .

"Well the-"aria was not able to complete her sentence when someone came towards me stomping her feet

"You bitch how dare you huh how dare you cheat?" Yuri screamed at my face

"Well I didn't cheated well someone else did by pushing me though" I said as I smirked at her

She widened her eyes as she raised her hand to slap me .

I used my other hand to twist it

"Stop it ok " I said calmly as u let her off.

She just glared at me
"We're not over remember that" she said as she walked away while stomping her feet.

"You're ok?" Aria asked me
I just nodded and got up from the grass.

"You're not treated yet " aria said
I just ignored her as I made my way towards my stand

While walking I was able to hear people wispering about me

"Isn't she the one"
"She defeated Yuri unbelievable"

"Ik right maybe she cheated I saw Yuri fighting with her earlier"

"Maybe you're right"

I ignored thier talks as I sat where I was sitting earlier.

I looked at the sky.

It was bright and clear.

Soon I saw a boy who was earlier with soenghwa running towards me

He stood infront of me
"Soenghwa is calling you to the medical room come quickly" the boy said

The boy had black hairs and was kinda cute

He had an appearance of a bear and he looked strong.

"I'm not coming i said earlier" I said as I sipped water from my bottle.

"Can you stop being stubborn?" He asked feeling annoyed

"Can you stop being annoying" I snapped back

"Arh this girl fine do whatever you wish" he said as he stormed off mumbling something


Tell me bad things

I deserve them

I deserve only the bad words .

Suddenly I felt a drop of water on my hand .

I looked at the sky to notice that the sky was full of black clouds now

I furrowed my brows
Just a minute ago it was so bright then how did it suddenly started raining?

I suddenly started feeling uneasy.

Something was not well.

"Guys let's have our last race and then we'll go inside as rain is about to come" the announcement said as the boys lined up for their event.

The gun blowed as everyone started running.

Everyone was cheering for the boys .

Suddenly I saw a girl who was approaching the cheering stand.

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