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Soenghwa looked around and frowned his brows when he didn't saw yn

Where was she?

He looked above him and saw yn's jacket lying on top of him

Unknowingly a smile crept on soenghwa's face as he held the jacket closely

He slowly wore the jacket as he stood up looking around

Maybe she went to the toilet
Soenghwa thought to himself

Soon hongjoong woke up as he rubbed his eyes before standing up to look at the city that was now visible to him

"Did you see this?" Hongjoong said as excitement filled his voice

"Yes it was dark at night so was hard to guess but it's visible now the city is not so far now but I wonder if it's safe" seonghwa said as hongjoong agreed

The duo turned around when they heard a shuffling sound.

It was yunho who was also jolt awake now.

He smiled at them

"We didn't got killed in our sleep thank god" yunho said as soenghwa and hongjoong chuckled

Soon wooyoung and yeosang got up as jongho and mingi were having a debate on who gets to wear the hat.

Aria was still asleep and so was san

"The pills did a nice job" soenghwa said

"Where is yn though?" Yeosang suddenly asked

"I didn't saw her since I woke up maybe she went to get fresh or something" soenghwa said as he walked towards the tree to get a clear view of the city

Suddenly wooyoung stopped him

"Somthing fell off the jacket" he said

Soenghwa looked below him and saw a paper folded.

He bended over to pick it up
He opened it and soon his eyes widened

Soenghwa thanks for helping a girl like me but believe me I can't be a burden to you all anymore aria is right I'm just a trouble also because of me your friend group even had a fight I don't wanna be a thorn to your rose so I'll get going this place was never mine in the first place and thanks for making me smile after 4 years of my life not gonna lie soenghwa but my colourless life gets filled with colours when I'm with you and I'm afraid that I'll destroy you too so it's better for me to stay away
Thanks for everything and everyone too thanks to all . I went away at night so don't search for me and bie bie also take care of my jacket it's my favourite.


The letter fell from his hands
He didn't knew why but he felt like his whole world was crumbling down.

He met the girl 2 days back only
What effect she had on him?

He can't take it anymore as he strided towards aria jolting her awake as he pulled her up with her arms.

She was scared as she never saw soenghwa this desperate


"What did you said to yn about leaving" he asked with a serious tone.

At the mean time san picked up the letter as he read it out for everyone

"What are you saying soengie"aria said

"What did you said to her I'll ask for last time aria "seonghwa said as he raised his voice.

"I told her to l-leave us when we escape school but o never thought she'll do it "aria said

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