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The whole field was full of those things as the green grass had now turned red.
The ground was wet due to the rain and the drainage was full of red water.
The site itself was enough to make anyone shiver.

"This can't be real!!" Aria yelled

"Don't yell they'll hear us " yunho said

"What are we even gonna do now? We don't know how will we survive"aria said as she sat on the desk with her head in her hands.

I saw soenghwa walking to her before taking her into a hug

I don't why but I felt a slight pain in my heart.

Why did I even cared? 

I scoffed at my behaviour as I slowly limped towards the map of the school that was pinned on the wall beside the board.

I picked up the marker that was on the teacher's desk as I started looking at the map.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me

"I don't get easily scared so just give up" I said

The voice behind me signed out loud

"How did you know it was me?" I heard the voice and recognised it immediately.

It was san.

"Try to be quieter next time " I said
My eyes still fixed on the map infront of me.

He then stood beside me

"What are you looking at?" He asked me

"A dinosour " I said

He snickered

"Nice one "

"What do you want " I asked him

"Nothing just saw you standing here looking at the school map so thought I could be of any help" he said as he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes

"Anyways why are you even looking at the map?" He asked me

"To find a way out of this damned place" I said
He made an ohh face.

Then he scooted closer to me.

I gave him a what look

"Oh no no don't misunderstood I'm just looking at the map too I'll tell you where we are right now " he said

I gave him some place to stand beside me

He took the marker from my hands before circling on the map

"We're here " he said

I nodded my head.

"And the main exit is here which is surely a bad idea" he said

I nodded my head in aggreement

"If we went through this maine gate then we'll surely be thier dinner " I said

He shook his head at the thought of it


"What so?" I asked him.

"What to do now?" He asked me

"Why are you asking me I'm not a student here how'd I know the ways " I said

"Geez you have me I'll help you " he said winking at me

I Made a disgusted face towards him. But allowed him to help me

"What is this area?" I asked him while pointing at a square like structure on the map that was close to the mountain.

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