All over again.

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"We shouldn't be together. We can't be together." Jeonghan couldn't believe that he has just said that out loud.

Seungcheol's grip on his shoulders tightened. Tears clearly building up in his eyes.

"Why? What do you mean? Stop joking around Jeonghan...... I... I'm serious." Seungcheol murmured.

Jeonghan shook his head, "I'm not joking. I mean it, Coups. Kwannie..... I can't do this to him...... Everytime he'll see you, he'll think of Vernon..... And I don't want to cause him anymore pain and than he's actually going through." Jeonghan sobbed.

"But... But we don't know what happened... It could be a misunderstanding, atleast hear Vernon's side of story." Seungcheol argued.

"That's between the two of them.... I'm not going to meddle with them. If Kwannie wants to talk it out with Vernon.... He can do it. But until those two make up..... I.... I can't do this. I shouldn't."

"Do you know how stupid you sound right now, Jeonghan??? It's no reason for us to not be together if our brothers' are broken up.... They're adults, they'll manage."

"You don't get it Seungcheol!! I have nothing except Kwannie. He's my everything. I can't do this to him."

"You know what's really happening right now, Jeonghan?? You're scared. You accused me of running away when I face problems but in reality it's you who's a coward. You broke up with me 7 years ago and you're breaking up with me now. It's always you. I won't let you do it this time."

Seungcheol stood up, pulled Jeonghan on his feet too and kissed him.

Jeonghan felt his warm lips over his cold ones. He couldn't resist but kiss him back. But pushed him when he realised what was happening.


Seungcheol made his way to hold Jeonghan again but he stepped back.

"No. Coups. I can't. I'm sorry. Maybe you're right.... Maybe I'm scared..... But this is not happening.... We only cause each other pain. We are better apart."

"Please Jeonghan... Please... Don't do this... You're gonna regret this. Don't leave me... Don't go." Seungcheol kneeled and hugged Jeonghan.

"I'm sorry." Jeonghan wiped his tears and broke Seungcheol's grip on him. He moved towards the terrace door and looked back.

Seungcheol was kneeling on the ground, his face in his hands, his body rattling with uncontrollable sobs. He wanted to go hug him and never leave again but he couldn't. It took him his everything to hold himself back and turn away from the heartbreaking sight.

He left terrace and went to the apartment. He found Seungkwan at the same place they had left him, still a crying mess.

He changed his clothes and covered him in a blanket and kept caressing him until he fell asleep. He came out of Seungkwan's room only to find Seungcheol's clothes and wallet and keys and phone missing.

He had left. Seungcheol had left. He was alone. All over again. 7 years ago Jeonghan had asked Seungcheol to leave him alone. And he had done a brilliant job of it. And now again, he was sure Seungcheol would do a brilliant job at it again.

Jeonghan went in the shower and cried his heart out until the all he could feel was the rawness of his throat.

He got out of the shower and did his chores like always. Doesn't matter that he was working on muscle memory and his brain was off. He didn't dare turn it on because then all he would be able to think about was Seungcheol. It was enough having one heartbroken person in the house. With the two of them, it was like a freaking mausoleum.

Suddenly Jeonghan heard the bangs on the door. Just like this morning. He opened the door to find a disheveled Vernon. He was wearing the same clothes as last night, his eyes bloodshot and hair sticking up in every direction.

"Hyung, where's Kwannie?"

"What did you do Hansol?"

"I... I can explain."

"I hope you hear yourself because 'i can explain' doesn't bode well in any situation."

"It's not what he thinks hyung.... Trust me."

"Hansol. Stop. Where were you when he needed you? He had to wait till the morning to drive himself home because he was drunk last night. You had whole night to talk to him. Where. Were. You???"

"I don't know what happened..... I just blacked out.... Can I please talk to Kwannie, hyung? Please."

"First get your damn story straight. He'd probably kill you if he saw you right now with that I don't remember excuse of yours. And you've done enough. I won't let you hurt him more. Not on my watch."

"Hyung please-"

"Seriously Hansol?? I'm so so disappointed. I trusted you to keep my baby happy. What did you do? Shattered his heart? I did not expect this from you. Do you know what I said to him when he told me what happened??? I asked him if he was drunk. I trusted you that much. Go now. Talk to him when you know what happened. Don't try to come near him before then. Bye." Jeonghan slammed the door in his face and slipped down to floor, put his head in between his knees and started breathing heavily.

When am I going to get a normal life??? Why can't people just be loyal and think about their actions before hurting someone?? How long do I have to suffer because of other people's mistakes?? This life is not even worth living. And there's noone i can talk to. When will it end?? I'm just so tired.

Jeonghan stood up, checked on Seungkwan and continued to do what he was doing. He didn't care anymore. Nothing mattered anymore.


A comparatively short chapter.

Also Kim Jisoo and Ahn Bo Hyun?????
This was so unexpected!!!

I hope they don't get too much hate. My girl Jisoo deserves all the happiness in this world!!!

A little stale but we got a seven challenge by Mingyu and Jungkook!!! Also JK is now officially and publicly on tiktok.

Lessgoo ArmyCarats winning at life.

I Never Stopped Loving You | JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now