First time holding their kid 🍼

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She...—Alejandro held his daughter and looked at her in awe.—I never thought I'd say this, but I'd let José hit my face if that meant Gloria is safe.


I cannot believe that you and I are going to be surfing together someday,—she said, booping his nose lovingly.—Baby Kai, the dolphins will love you.


Are you sure this is safe?—Cameron asked, genuinely terrified.—I don't want to hurt her, she's so little...
—It's okay, Cam,—you laughed, placing Blithe in his arms.
—Oh I'm going to have to buy a mini-bubble. She's too precious for this world.


She sure appreciates a good meal,—Chef said, watching baby Clementine drink her first feeding bottle.
—Really? That's what you have to say the first time you hold your daughter?
—She takes after her pa. Good taste.


Chris held Robinson in his arms and, for the first time in his life, he had absolutely nothing to say. You smiled as you watched your boys bond.
—Oh, you've got my nose...—Chris finally whispered.


I am a father,—Cody mumbled, rocking Abigail in his arms,—I made this. I am so proud of her and she hasn't even opened her eyes.
—She'll be a daddy's girl, I'm sure.


—I just pushed her out of my body, how is she so...perfect?—Courtney whispered, caressing Carla's face and processing her emotions.—My lawyers have to see her. Tell them to come in.


Come to mama baby!—Dakota said, after changing back form Dakotazoid. Beau was gently placed in her arms.—Oh he's blonde! I told you he was going to be a blonde! I love you so much, already making mommy proud!


Dawn?—you asked, a bit concerned. Dawn had been staring at Aura for quite a while and hadn't said anything.
—Shhh...—she replied, whiteout looking away from her baby.—I'm just admiring how beautiful her soul and aura look. She's perfect.


Watching DJ hold his twins for the first time was almost comical. He looked so concerned, balancing each baby on one giant arm.
—Don't worry big guy, you are not going to hurt them! Ava and Ella know their daddy.
—Daddy's having an emotional moment,—DJ's mom said, smiling.—He can have that later. Devon James, hand me my grandchildren, I want to hold them.


Carrie, I've waited 9 months to do this,—Duncan said, right after Carrie was handed to him. He pulled out a mini dog collar out of pocket, identical to his.
—I think she might choke if you put that on her as a newborn...—you warned. He immediately took the collar of the baby.


And that is how you deliver a baby,—Eva said, holding Sloane and showing her off to her gym buddies.—Watch her in all her glory. Watch her, I said!
—I think she's got a mole like yours

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