Their reaction to their kid being bullied 🤜🏻🤛🏻 part 2

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Ash got bullied by his name. Kids would shout "Ash, I choose you!" And throw objects at him, such as food, pencils...Ash didn't say anything until a boy threw a fork at him during lunch and it got stuck to his stomach. Harold's response was:
—A fork, huh? I'll be right back.
And he was right back. With the bully being covered in forks.
You had to bail him out of jail for that one.

Victoria took Spanish in high school and when the idiot that didn't know what her name meant found out, he said:
—Oh, they should've called you Loser, you are more of that than victory.
—Do you see this?—Vicky asked him, showing him the pepper spray she always carried around and getting up to get to his seat.
—Well, now you are going to get a closer look, loser.
The kid was blind for a week and Victoria was expelled for two. Heather beamed with proudness.

Pandora, Maeve and Cyrus were treated like the plague in kindergarten because "they are the kids with the crazy mom". They didn't really mind, since they liked playing with each other rather than with the other kids, but Izzy once saw a little boy crying just because Dora had touched him. She then slapped the kid and took her own home.
—Better crazy than disrespectful,—she said.—Always remember that, my little bombs.

Everette was made fun of her accent and avoided during middle school. She tried to deal with it and talk to her teachers about it, but most of them acted like they didn't understand what she was saying.
—I'm sorry, Everette, but you really have to work on your pronunciation. Have you tried speech therapy?
That was the breaking point for Jasmine. She gave the teachers and kids a very strong order:
—Leave my child alone. Or I'll call the crocs. You won't like it.

Tyson was bullied because of this stupid neardenthalistic thing called: racism. He didn't give a single shit to be honest, but LeShawna did. And she really was fuming whenever she thought of her son being bullied for something that was completely normal.
—I will sue the fucking school, I swear to god...
—Shut up I'm calling Courtney.

Neil was a little bit like Carrie. Except he had different reasons. He didn't like beating people up. He just knew that champions don't pick on others, and he was a champion.
—Dad, why do people sha-hurt each other?
—People have stupid brains, Neil.
—I'm glad I don't.

Gretchen was a middle schooler when the first message was sent to her phone. It was a high school senior and his group of friends, asking to have intercourse with her. When she replied a single "I don't know what that is" they said "Your mother does ;)". She then started to get cat called and whistled at, some people even asked her for Lindsay's number. Gretch eventually started to ignore them and then came the famous: whatever, you are ugly anyway. When Lindsay noticed this, she cursed so hard and loud the walls of your house actually trembled. Then she filed hundreds of sexual harassment charges.

Maddox started to get picked on at high school.
—Are you Maddox or Maddie?—a girl asked,—Your father and you could exchange personalities like Pokémon cards.
—Do you want me to call Mal? Because I could, you know...
Mike laughed so hard he almost choked when Maddox told you two that afternoon.

Corbin never had to deal with bullies. Mal and you also made sure he never became one either.

Cassidy liked math. And children hated her for liking math. Nerd, they called her, weirdo. Cassie just ignored them, and continued to get good grades. Noah was proud of her but made sure to let her know that if anyone crossed the line, she had his permission to attack.
—Use your brain, Cassie, but don't be afraid of using your fists.

Ale was fat-shamed. He was very affected by all the comments and even stopped eating. Owen knew something was wrong when his son didn't feel like eating dessert.
—They'll call me fat if I eat, dad,—Ale grumbled.
—Then I'll call their dads. Let's see how they like that, assholes.

Jason and Jace got bullied because of Samey and Amy's past.
—Who is the evil twin?
—Maybe they are both evil
—Oh my god I think one of them has a mole like Amy's...
Samey overheard a conversation like that while waiting for her sons to pick them up. She walked to the group of people and smiled.
—Would you mind repeating that?
—No ma'am.
—Do not let it happen again.

Sawyer was ginger. And just like Scott, he got mocked because of that. Devil, evil...everything in the list. During elementary school it was the worst. Scott handled it by walking in the stage on Talent Show day.
—To everyone who calls my son mean names, just know that one day he'll be my size, and gingers do not loose the anger. And we don't forget faces.

—Was that necessary?—you asked him when he was done.

Lyra never got bullied either. Mainly because she was always moving schools because of Trent's tours.

Delilah was the perfect target: shy, small and too good. Middle school was a nightmare for her. Then Zoey found out and Commando-Zoey made a comeback. The kids that had been harassing Delilah still remain missing. No one knows what happened to them or where they are. Well...except for Commando-Zoey.

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