~ Part 2 ~

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I woke up in the morning and got out of my bed to do my routine. I went to shower,brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then it was the hard part. Choosing what to wear. I ran out of ideas
so i decided to find something on pinterest. After 15 minutes i finally picked outfit.
~ the outfit~

Then i went downstairs to eat breakfast

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Then i went downstairs to eat breakfast. My parents left me a letter in the kitchen. I picked it up and started reading.

"We are very sorry but something happened at the work and we have to go on a Bussiness trip to New York for one week. We will call you as soon as we lend. We left you some money. If you need anything call us. Don't forget we love you. Bye darling"

I went to fridge took some milk out and poured it into the bowl with some cereals.
I'm just so sad, because i have to spend another week alone without my parents. And they are not going to be at the game today to support me.They don't go on a business trip often. I will probably call Sarah over and we will have a sleepover. Maybe this week is not going to be that bad. But definitely i'm not throwing party, because i don't want to clean up all the mess and my parents wouldn't be very proud of me if they found out. They trust me.

After i ate my breakfast i called Sarah.

Sarah: heey
Bella: oh hey so i'm going to Buford should i pick you up?
Sarah: is that even a question?! Yes definitely! I'm waiting.
Bella: okay see ya in a bit bye.
Sarah: bye love ya.

I'm so happy that i can have a friend like Sarah by my side. She is like my sister i love her so much.

After 10 minutes

Sarah: hey my girl
Bella: hii ~ i said excited~
Sarah: do you got some boy in your head? ~ she said and smiled~
Bella: nooooo ~she started laughing~
Sarah: what is it then?
Bella: soo my parents left for a week this is the sad part but we can have a sleepover
Sarah: OMGG YESYES IM SO HAPPY ~she hugged me out of excitment so tight that i couldn't almost breathe~
Bella: and before the game at the Buford High school maybe we could get some Starbucks
Sarah: yes definitely we should go or we will be late

After 15 minutes
We finally arrived to Starbucks. We were listening to music the whole time. I wish that we could stay like that forever. I loved spending my time with her. She is like an angel sent from heaven. I love her no one can replace my beautiful bestfriend.

We went insisde and ordered our usual and sat down. After 10 minutes we decided that we should go.We noticed that there was a group of boys staring at us. It was kinda creepy but they looked like boys our age. I just rolled my eyes smiled and walked out.

The boys POV:
James: bro did you see them?
Jaden: yes they were pretty but the one with the brunette hair she she s-he was sent out of heaven
Noah: Jaden is in lovee yooo ~he said it so loud that everyone was staring at them~
~boys started hitting him for fun and laughing~
Daniel: yo bro go get her! ~he raised his voice~
Jaden: but she already left...
Lucas: lets focus on today it's big day we have a game we will talk about girls later. Let's go prepare the coach is already waiting for us.
James: yo bro ruined it.
Jaden: fuck it lets just go.

Bella's POV:
We finally arrived to Buford. It was pretty big school. We waited for other girls to arrive. After 15 minutes everyone came.
Bella: hey girls! Ready for today?!
Bianca: YES were going to kill it!!!
Bella: so lets go

We went inside to meet with the coach of Buford High school.

Coach: Hello you must me Bella Clark captain of the cheer team
Bella: yes thats me it's nice to meet you
Coach: yes it's nice to meet you too thank you so lets go to dressing room you i will show yall around.
And thats all ~ coach said~
Coach: now i will let you prepare for today
Bella: thank you very much
Coach: see yall on the field bye

We all said bye

We arrived to the field and there was already our team preparing and the other team.

We stretched out a little bit and started practicing. After 2 hours we sat on the bench and started talking.

Sarah: yo Bella the boys are really pretty here
Bella: you weren't lying ~ she started laughing a little bit~
Bianca: look at the short one with long hair he got a good ass

We all started laughing

Our coach came

Coach: okay girls enough of drooling over boys lets prepare. The game starts in one hour
Coach: i saw yall ~he started laughing and rolled his eyes

We love our coach he is very funny and supportive. But he is strict. We still love him.

I sat on the bench again and i locked eyes with one boy. He had brunette hair and was kinda tall.
We still held an eye contact until one of his teemates came and started talking to him. He smiled at me and turned around.

Maybe i will find someone in the end.
Or maybe not
Was it LOVE ON FIRST SIGHT or am i just delusional.
We will see...

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