Mom: good morning darling,wake up we have to go to the Waltons in one hour.
Bella: good morning mom - she said with a sleepy voice-
Bella: okay im going to shower
This is the outfit and she wore Jadens hoodie.
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She went downstairs to eat breakfast with her parents.
Dad: are you excited for vacation?
Bella: yes of course i'm and i can finally get to know Jayla and Javon because i have been hanging out with jaden only. -she smiled-
Dad: is there something going on between you and Jaden?
Bella: he asked me to be his girlfriend.
Dad: i hope this boy treats you well. Do you remember your old relat-
Before he could finish that Bella interupted him.
Bella: yes dad i remember,but can we not talk about my ex right now, i have moved on and i love Jaden, he makes me happy and treats me good.
Mom: lets just eat we have to go in 15 minutes.
After we ate we took our luggage and put them in the car.
We left.
After 20 minutes we arrived and my dad knocked on the door.
Jessica opened the door.
Jessica: hi guys lets go inside i will call my kids and we can leave to the airport.
We walked in.
Jessica: kids! lets go we are leaving in 10 minutes.
They came downstairs.
I was sitting and jaden came up to me from behind and hugged me and kissed on my head.
Jaden : hey my love
Bella: hey my boy
Our parents were looking at us and they started talking.
Jessica: are they dating?
Mom: she told me today that she loves him so yes they are.
Jessica: they are so cute
Jayla came with Javon
Bella: omg hey guys
Jayla came up to me and hugged me
Jayla: omg hey girl are you excited that we are going to spend the whole vacation doing girls stuff -she screamed out of excitment-
Jaden interruped her.
Jaden: you are not going to steal her from me she is mine only mine.
Jayla and Javon at the same time: waiit whaaat?
Jayla. are yall a thing?
Bella. yess we are dating - she smiled-
Javon: yoo bro im so happy for you
Jayla: i want you to tell me everything !
Bella: i will when we get to Seychelles.
Jayla: okay girl im excited already
Dj. okay kids lets go
Me and Jaden sat at the end of the car.
The ride started and i layed my head on his lap he played with my hair till i fell asleep.
Javon was infront of us with Jayla.
They turned around and looked at Jaden.
Jayla: yall are so cute and the way you look at her.
Javon im so happy for you bro you finally found a girl that treats you right not like that bitch Ava.
Jaden: thank you but you didn't have to bring her up. Shee ruined my life and i'm so happy to have Bella by my side. She makes me so happy by just looking at me. I hope nothing will ruin our realationship.
They were talking for a little bit and then arrived to the airport so Jaden had to wake up Bella.
He slowly moved hair out of her face and gave her kiss on her cheek.
Jaden: my love we are here you have to wake up you can sleep on the plane later.
Bella: only if you give me another kiss
Jaden: thats why i love you
She smiled
He gave her another kiss.
Jaden: okay lets go
They went throught the security and already went on the plane.
Bella was sitting by the window next to her was Jaden and Daelo
Our flight was going to be 6 hours long.
Me and Jaden switched seats and i was talking with daelo about everything. While Jadenvwas sleeping he told me about how Jaden talks about me at home and how he loves me i was so happy to hear that.
I then fall asleep too and woke up to jaden kissing my head and playing with my hair.
Jaden:my love how did you sleep?
Bella: good with you by my side
He smiled and kissed me on the lips.
We are landing in one hour said Jaden.
daelo was sleeping.
i was talking about everything and noticed that Jaden was looking at me.
Bella: what?
Jaden: nothing i just realized how happy i am to have you.
I smiled and kissed him it turned into a little make out till daelo woke up.