Jadens POV: I was standing on the field when suddenly i felt eyes on me. I locked eyes with this girl. She was gorgeous. Everything about her was perfect when i realised that it was the same girl we saw at Starbucks.
So our paths will cross.
Suddenly James came again and started talking to me so i had to turn around. He was telling me something and i completly zooned out. I was just thinking about her.
James: yo bro are you listening to me? Jaden: yes yes sorry i was just thinking. James: thinking? Thinking about what? Jaden: do you remember this girl we saw today in Starbucks? James: yes i remember how you fall in love with girl you just saw ~ he mocked him and started laughing~ James: so what about her? Jaden: i think that she is there today. Jaden: she is a cheerleader a captain. James: yo bro go get her Jaden: fuck this is like on purpose she isnt there anymore James: wait for her after the game Jaden: i will maybe.
I hope it was her i just couldn't stop looking at her. She is beautiful.
Focus Jaden lets win this game first.
Bella's POV: We did our routine. Everyone cheered. The game started. We sat down and started watching. Both of the teams were strong. I locked my eyes with this boy again. Something about him was just special i don't know if im just being delusional again or what.
Buford High school won.
Everyone cheered. We went back into dressing rooms but suddenly someone pulled my arm. I turned around and it was him.
Maybe im not delusional
???: um hii Bella: ooh heyy ~she smiled~ ???: what is your name? ~he smiled~ I just stared in his eyes with a smile on my face. ???: u got lost? ~ he smiled again~ Bella: jeez i'm so sorry i shouldn't stare at you like that ~she said embarrased~ ???: that's okay, but i still didn't get your name Bella: I'm Bella, Bella Clark captain of the cheer team Jaden: I'm Jaden Walton it's nice to meet you
At this point we sat on the bench and started talking for a little bit.
Jaden: could i maybe get your number? Bella: what if i say no? ~ she smiled at him~ ~at this point flirting started~ Jaden: how could you say no to me pretty girl ~ he got closer to her and moved her hair out of her face and then sat back~
Bella felt butterflies in her stomach already.
Bella: okay maybe i will give it to you ~she rolled her eyes and smiled~
She gave her number to him and he left and she did too.
Bella's POV: I sat in the car and i almost screamed because i was so happy. But then i got a text from Jaden.
Jaden W Hey it was very nice talking to you i really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it too ;)
Could we maybe like hangout tommorow Yes i would love to,but i will text you when i get home, because i'm going to drive i'll talk to ya later bye ;) Bye:))
I couldn't believe it. It was like a dream. I came home and showered,brushed my teeth and layed on the bed. I went to Instagram and posted this.
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@bellaclark- with my girls🤩 Liked by @itssarah@onwardjdub and others @itssarahh-ily 🥰 ^@bellaclark- ily more @jackjack-pretty @onwardjdub-captain is pretty 😍 ^@bellaclark-🤫😋 @whoisnick-kinda funny that Jack is getting ignored 🤣 ^liked by @bellaclark
@onwardjdub started following you
Omg he started following me lets look at his profile. He is famous i guess he go a lot of followers. Wait- isn't he Javons brother the boy from Euphoria. Omg. He is. That is soo cool.
I suddenly got a call from my parents.
Mom: hey sweetie how are you doing? Bella: i'm good today was a very good day but sadly we lost but Mom: that's okay but-? Bella: i found a friend Mom: who Bella: his name is Jaden Walton Mom: wait-
Mom asked Dad Mom: didn't you like go to school with Dj Walton? Dad: yes i did
Mom: so your father went to school with his father they used to be a very good friends,but after the graduation they stopped talking.
Bella: omg really!! Maybe your paths will cross again.
Mom: we have to go but we loved to hear you take care of yourself see ya in few days bye love ya. Bella: bye i love both of you too.
Jaden w I'm so sorry i forgot to text you but i wish you good night.