After 30 minutes we arrived. This place is so pretty. I want to stay there already forever.
We walked out of the car and parents seperated us in rooms. I was with Jaden, Jayla and Javon.
My parents were alone. Dj, Jessica and Daelo were in the other room.
We walked into our room it was so pretty.
Jayla: i love it Javon: im taking the queen bed Bella: no fuck off we are taking it ~ she rolled her eyes playfully~ Javon: and what are yall going to do on this bed? I want to get good sleep. I don't want to hear yall suck eachothers necks. Bella: JAVOON i'm going to kill you ~ she was chasing him and laughing ~ Javon: okay okay i'm going to unpack you can have the bed Bella: thanks ~ she smiled~
Then Jaden arrived because he was with Jessica talking about something.
Jaden walked in as i was sitting on the bed unpacking. He came from behind and covered my eyes with his hands.
Bella: who is this ? ~ Bella said playfully~ Jaden: i don't knowww Bella: i guess it is the boy with blonde hair Jaden: i guess you are right
She turned around and kissed him he kissed back. And then sat next to her.
Jayla: yall are so cute but i'm going to steal Bella from you Jayla: sorry Jaden ~ she said as she dragged Bella out of the room~ Bella: Wherree are we going? Jayla: on a walk to the beach and now girl tell me everything ~ she said in curious tone~ Bella: Jaden is so romantic he asked me to be his gf and of course i agreed Jayla: okay okay but i want to know how did you get to know Bella: this is long story Bella : i'm a cheerleader as you know. Do you remember the last game ? Jaden was looking at me and we locked eyes i instantly got butterflies Jayla: omg that so cute i remember how Jaden came home and was talking about you the whole time while we were eating dinner Jayla: he loves you i'm sure he does but you need to be careful about his jealous ex and her fake ass friends Bella: tell me more girl i want to know everything Jayla : so basically this bitch Ava cheated on him and at Buford all girls are over Jaden every one of them wants him so be ready to get a lot of hate because you are dating Jaden Bella: i don't care about the hate i just have something that they want thats it. And i will be careful with Ava. Do you think Jaden still has feelings for her? Jayla: i think no he hates her but be careful she manipulated him so many times Bella : i will. thank you for telling me this
It was getting late and we need to prepare for dinner.
As we walked in Jaden came up to me and hugged me.
Jaden: where were you i missed you my love Bella: we went to the beach Bella: but we are going to prepare and do girls stuff because dinner is in one hour I then kissed his cheek and walked away.
Jayla: see i told you he is literalyy obsessed with you Bella: i love how clingy and caring he is ~ she smiled and blushed ~
Jayla went to shower and then Bella.
Jayla: i don't have anything to wear Bella: i don't too everything looks weird in me Jayla: no girl stop you are literally beautiful Bella: thank you jay ~ she smiled~ Jayla picked black short dress and Bella wore this:
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Jaden and Javon were on the bed sitting and talking when Bella and Jayla walked out of the bathroom.
Jaden standed up and walked up to her he was checinkg her out. Jaden: you are the most beautiful girl Then gave her a kiss it lasted long.
Javon: Jayla i said that they are going to suck eachother faces
Bella and Jaden stopped and smiled then looked at them.
Jayla: Javon you are so jealous ~she said playfully and smacked his arm~
We all started laughing.
Someone knocked on the door.
It was Jessica.
Jayla opened the door.
Jessica: kiss lets go we are going Jessica: bella you are soo beautiful
Javon: ye i cant be with them in one room they are just kissing and flirting ~ Javon mocked us~ Jessica: Javon dont be jealous~ she said playfully~