~ Part 11 ~

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After we arrived i sat down next to Jaden.

Jaden: what did you pick?
Bella: i think i will get chicken with friends and rice
Jaden: i will get it too
Dj: kiss how do you like the vacation?
Javon: we just only arrived, but i know it is gonna  be the best
Jayla: yes i love this place
Dj: we made some plans and tommorow we are going on the boat
Jessica: so you need to get good sleep because at 8am we are leaving
Javon: I hope me and Jayla get good sleep because of these two ~ he rolled his eyes and started laughing~
Jaden: Javon you are never going to stop do you?
Jayla: he is jealous
Bella: we love you too Javon

We continued talking and after dinner everyone went to their room expect me and Jaden. We went to beach for a walk.

Jaden: i love you
Bella: i love you more

We talked about our future. Jaden wants to play baseball profesionally. I want to leave Georgia and be a lawyer like my parents. Maybe i will stay in America or i will go to Europe. We definitely want to spend our future together, but will it work?

As we were walking we held hands and Jaden stopped. I turned around. He was looking at me and moved closer.
He put his one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek. He moved even closer and closer. Then he kissed me. I felt safe.

He gave me a sign to jump. My legs were around his waist and his hands were on my waist. It turned into a make out.

Until I stopped and looked in his eyes. I smiled and said ,, I will love you always and forever" then for fun we brushed our noses together and kissed again. Then he put me down.

I jumped on his back and we went to our room. Everyone was already sleeping so I went to shower.

After that I did my skincare and went to bed. Then Jaden came. He layed next to me. He pulled me closer. I put my hand on his chest. And his arm was around my waist. Then he kissed my forehead.

Bella: good night I love you
Jaden: I love you more

Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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