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:Forgot to mention:

Travis's animals:

Small (1 month old midget kitten)

Maxine (4 year old cat)

Caz (1 year old cat)


I yawned and rubbed my eyes, I looked around and saw my mom driving and my cats still asleep in the box between my feet.



"Where are we now?" I groaned rubbing my eyes and messing my hair up more then it already was.

"We just arrived at nockfell sweety, you fell asleep in the car"

I nodded and closed my eyes again, I was slightly sweating but I didn't wanna take my hoodie off.

"Sweets, you can take your hoodie off y'know"

I nodded and pulled my hoodie over my head, the scars on my arms and neck made me glare at myself through the rear view mirror (ig?)

Mom stayed quiet the rest of the ride, the only sound that could be heard was the small meows and purrs of my cats, Caz has eventually left the cage and plopped on my lap, he was a white and ginger short haired cat, a sassy one aswell. I got him after I left nockfell because max needed Friend.

After a few hours of driving we arrived at Isabella's apartment, the apartment building was fancy and very bright coloured.


After about 2 hours of helping mom and Isabella get our stuff in the apartment and sorting out my cats, my room wasn't big but it wasn't small either, it was a 3 bedroom apartment and Rosie's room was next to mine, right now Rosie is sat on my knee holding small gently, she has beautiful blonde hair and green eyes, she looked just like Isabella but Isabella's hair was black.

"Smol" Rosie repeated as she kissed small's nose repeatedly.
I looked at my phone and saw it vibrate, a text from Phillip.

I picked up my phone and messaged back.

P- heyya travyy

T- hey Phil

P- soo wyd?

T- guess

P- shitting?

T- ew nah, I'm watching my mom's gf's kid play with my kitten

P- ayoo since when did mama Mary get a gf??

T- after the incident

P- oh, I'm still sorry about that dude
You didn't deserve that :(

T- it's alr

P- wait trav when you coming back :/?

T- I'm already back



T- yuh I'm back but don't tell anyone at school, see ya tomorrow shawty

P- I'm taller then you

T- fuck you to 😘

P- nah fuck you

T- you wish

P- shush I'm taken 😒

P- anyway it's 10pm so imma sleep and see ya Tomorrow shawty 💋

T- bye faggot 🛐

P- byee 😌


I looked at Rosie and picked her up.
"C'mon kiddo time to go to bed" she yawned and put small with max on my bed.


I nodded and helt her in the air and started to spin around, she was giggling like crazy and I quickly fell onto my bed and put her on the floor again.

"now go to bed, it's late and you have preschool tomorrow" i heard Isabella say behind me, I yelp and fall onto the floor making Rosie laugh.

"Sorry Travis I was talking to Rosie I didn't mean to startle you" she said smiling widely. "There is also some left over chicken curry in the microwave if you'd like it"

I nodded and got back up, sure I was hungry but I'd be sick after. "You know don't you?" She nodded at me with a smile basically saying "you don't have to but you need to eat"

I smiled at her "thank you" I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear. She smiled and lead Rosie out of my room, I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom to change. I locked the door and quickly changed into a green shirt and white shorts with my normal white fingerless gloves that covered my scars. I finished changing and put the clothes in the washing machine (in each apartment there is a washing machine)
I grabbed my bag and threw it in my room again, I walked into my room and layed on my bed, I felt my fluffy hair and frowned. I knew I hadn't dyed it since the incident and I didn't really want to, but my hair was now my original hair colour, brown with black roots. My hair felt dead last time I dyed it so I might not.

I got off my bed and put my cats bed closer to my bed, small was the only one of my cats that slept in it so I had to keep it close to me. I layed back on my bed and got under the covers. After a while I fell asleep.

(sorry this is cringe and or short but I haven't wrote a sally face story like ever)


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