[ NINE ]

300 18 14

K.YH, 3P

THAT evening, yunhee was sat between prince hao and prince matthew at the dinner table, waiting for her meal to be served.

"your korean is very good, prince hao." she complimented one of the two foreigners she was with.

"thank you, princess, but I'm still learning so it isn't really the best." prince hao replied with a soft smile.

"speaking of their korean," seungjae interrupted, looking at yunhee. "darling, we wanted to know if you would like to be prince hao, prince matthew, and prince ricky's korean teacher while they're staying with us."

"yes, dear. it has many benefits." haemin adds with a smile.

yunhee knew what those many benefits were but she wasn't going to turn down the offer. she could use this to learn new languages and brush up on her korean as well.

"I'd love to be their korean teacher, it's an amazing opportunity." yunhee replied with a big smile.

ricky, who was sat across from her, gave her a big smile which made her stomach tingle. it was the same feeling whenever yoonjae would run his fingers through her hair, when he would hold her hand when they walked. why was she feeling this? he wasn't yoonjae, he was ricky. now that she realized it, shes been feeling this way with the princes whenever she hung out with them. she felt this way with taerae, with gyuvin, with gunwook, and now with ricky.

what the hell was going on with her?


later after dinner, yunhee was changed into her sleeping garments but instead of going to bed, she was in one of the castle's office rooms. it was one of the rooms where smaller meetings would be held but she was using the room for a different reason.

she sat with paper and ink with hao, matthew, and ricky all sat across from her with their own paper and ink.

"then you finish with this last line and you're done! ze-rose king-dom." yunhee spoke, writing the last character on her paper with her quill.

"ze rose king dom." the three princes follow.

"perfect! that will be the end of today's lesson so now let's get some sleep. its getting pretty late." she grinned at them, holding herself back from yawning in front of them.

"we want to stay and practice a bit more. you can go to bed if you'd like though." matthew smiled up at the princess. she nodded and stood up. she walked over to their side to kiss the tops of their heads.

"good night then, princes. I'll see you tomorrow." she told them, gently kissing the top of matthew's head. she flattened the front of his hair with a smile.

"you three did good tonight. good night." she finished, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.


"you both like her too, right?"

"oh, it's on."

ROYALS ; zerobaseoneWhere stories live. Discover now