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the bustling town is filled with curious people going about their daily activities. minho quietly observes the fringes, trying to keep himself concealed. suddenly, a loud voice rings out, drawing everyone's attention to the square's center. the crowd parts, revealing the town's priestess, a stern and zealous figure dressed in elaborate robes.

townsfolk gather around the priestess, their faces a mix of fear and fascination. she addresses them with conviction, "people of this town, we have been blessed with the light of truth! a witch dwells amongst us, bringing only darkness and deceit."

whispers ripple through the crowd as they cast suspicious glances at each other. she continues, "witchcraft is a grave sin against the divine order. if the guilty one does not come forward, we shall find them and purge this evil from our midst!"

minho feels a knot of dread tighten in his stomach, knowing he must be cautious not to draw attention to himself. he edges away from the crowd, hoping to slip away unnoticed. however, a pair of eager villages spot minho's unease and point accusing fingers to him.

"there! it's him!"

the crowd turns to minho, and a wave of panic washes over him. "i'm not a witch! i've never harmed anyone!" the priestess narrows her eyes, voice full of righteous indignation. "your denials will not save you. the devil's minion are skilled in deception."

as the tension escalates, minho knows he must act wisely to avoid the fate that awaits him. he takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm and collected. he stood in the center of the medieval town square, the townspeople surround him, their faces contorted with hatred and fear. torches flicker, casting eerie shadows on the cobblestone streets. the townsfolk brandish pitchforks and torches, chanting accusations against witches.

"filthy witch! we must rid the town of this evil!"

"his dark magic will doom us all!"

"burn him! burn the witch!"

the crowd chants menacingly, as minho's heart races with terror. he tries to plead with them, but his voice is drowned out by their angry shouts. his eyes widen in disbelief as they force him toward a tall wooden stake, crudely fashioned into a pyre. he clutches a tattered book in his hands, the last remnant of his late grandmother's teachings.

"please, i'm not evil! i haven't hurt anyone!"

his words fall on deaf ears. the mob ties him to the stake, the rough ropes biting into his skin. tears stream helplessly down his cheeks and he desperately struggles to break free. the murmurs escalate into heated arguments as fear clouds judgement.

the mood turns ugly, and someone throws a stone at minho, narrowly missing him. panic sets in and the crowd begins, "witch! witch!" minho's heart pounds in his chest. he knows that if he doesn't escape, his fate will be sealed.

he looks around for an ally, for someone to help, but finds only scorn and hostility. his clothes are ripped off of him as they write crude words on his body. leaving minho burned, and tied to the stake till his death.

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