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minho was in shorts, since he was home he was comfortable. but he wasn't expecting visitors. not at 8 am. not when his thighs are visible with nothing concealing them. he pulled his shorts down, hoping they can fully cover his scars and yelled a 'come in' as he continued labelling different vials.

"hey, min!" jisung smiled widely and had his bag slung over his shoulder. "what's up?" minho moved over to his cabinet, sorting his newly labelled with his old ones.

"just keeping myself busy. did you need something?" jisung nodded, pulling out a plastic vial of a crimson red liquid. "i was wondering what this was?" minho took it, furrowing his eyebrows. "i didn't give you guys anything." he opened the lid to the vial, and touched the liquid with his finger.

it burned him.

he yelped, pulling his hand back and seeing the burn mark. his eyes widened, throwing the vial into the sink.

"what the fuck. where did you get that? jisung- oh my god." he cradled his burned hand to his chest and exhaled slowly. jisung grasped minho's hand and frowned at the burned finger.

"it was just at our doorstep, what is it?" minho sighed. "come sit, ji. let's talk about it." he motioned for jisung to follow him and they sat on the couch.

"ji, it is a potion that hasn't been made since forever ago. it- it's sort of like the werewolf tranquillizer. but for witches. so, someone clearly tried to harm me." he eyed his finger, and jisung pursed his lips. "you can't reverse it? nothing?" minho chuckled, shaking his head.

"i would have removed it long ago, jisung. it's been used on me before." minho sighed, standing up and going in front of jisung. he rolled up his shorts and jisung froze.

'slut, devil, satan, die, witch,' all carved into his legs.

jisung grasped his thighs, examining them closer. "jesus, min. what happened?" minho kept his gaze on jisung as the younger's stayed on his legs.

"where i used to live, they hated witches. killed all of them. they found where i was hiding and ordered for me to be killed. they had crowds of people and let anyone who wanted come up and carve something into me to remind me what i am."

jisung gazed up at him, concern etched on his face. "min, i'm so sorry. so they used that potion to do it?" minho hummed, sitting back down. "they dipped knives into the potion and made the marks." he traced the words with his finger and jisung frowned.

"you are nothing of what these say, min. absolutely nothing."


walking around his house with his legs on display and jisung being able to see them, was something he never thought would happen. "can i stay over? changbin's dealing with his heats with the help of the others and i'd rather not be in the house."

"you made them hear us. but of course you can."


jisung opened his arms as he laid in minho's bed under the covers and minho smiled at him. he climbed under the covers, resting his face in jisung's neck. "this is nice." jisung's arms went around minho's waist, pulling him as close as possible. minho hummed, swinging a leg over jisung's hip.

jisung rested one hand on top of his thigh, gently rubbing the scars there. "sleep well, min." minho nodded, as jisung kissed his forehead.

jisung woke up, still holding minho tightly and smiled. he grabbed his phone, checking the time. he groaned as it was almost noon and set his phone back down. he gently traced minho's stunning features with his finger, kissing him on every inch of skin on his face.

"min, wake up." minho shook his head, and jisung kissed his face all over making him giggle slightly. "okay, okay, 'm up." he sat up and jisung laughed. "your hair looks insane."

minho rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah. i'm not the prettiest in the morning." jisung sat up next to him.

"you're always pretty. you look cute all sleepy. what's on the witch agenda for today?" minho softly chuckled, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake himself up. "i was planning to go gather ingredients for my next batch of potions. i'd love your company if you want to join me."

jisung's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of joining minho on a magical jounrey. "count me in! i'm always up for an adventure with you. what kind of ingredients are we looking for?"

minho swung his legs off the bed, pressing his palms on his back as he stretched. "we'll be searching for elusive herbs that can only be found deep in the forest. they'll add a touch of extra magic."

"sounds fun!"

minho leads jisung outside the cottage, after they washed up, where the forest lies just a short distance away. the air is filled with the scents of nature, and the forest beckons them with an air of mystery.

"follow me, jisung. the ingredients we seek are a bit hidden, but we can find them!" the two friends venture deeper into the forest, exploring the magical landscape. they encounter beautiful, glowing flowers and majestic trees. jisung takes in the enchanting sights with wonder, and minho smiles at the excitement.

"keep an eye out for a small clearing with a waterfall nearby. that's where they grow normally." jisung nodded, glancing around the beautiful forest. "got it!"

after a delightful journey filled with laughter and discovery, they reach the clearing minho mentioned. in the heart of the glade, they find the rare herbs they were seeking, growing in harmony with the natural magic surrounding them.

"these are amazing, minho! i've never seen anything like them!" minho fondly gazed at him, loving how the younger was so enchanted by the nature minho searched for every day. "they're indeed quite special."

they carefully collect the herbs, mindful not to dirsupt the natural balance of the forest. once they have enough, they make their way back to minho's cottage. "well, that was very successful! thank you for joining me, ji! you can join me on adventures anytime."

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