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minho's head lolled to the side as jisung kissed his neck, and minho's hands clasped together at the younger's nape.

"ji, ji.." minho's breath hitched as jisung squeezed his waist. minho was sat on his countertop, jisung between his legs.

"what do you want, baby?" jisung murmured against the latter's neck. minho hummed, pulling jisung closer with his legs wrapped around his waist.

"love me, please." minho didn't like falling into subspace, since he would be entirely vulnerable with jisung.

jisung nodded, moving away from his neck to pull down minho's shorts and underwear. "where's your lube?"

minho blinked slowly. " 'm out, i think." jisung sighed, glancing around. "min, i'm not doing anything without a lubrication. i won't hurt you."

"jus' use something else."

jisung backed away from him to open the fridge and raised an eyebrow. he took out the strawberry syrup, waving it in the air.

minho nodded. "anything, please. ji, i'm so desperate, and i'm out of it. please, please, please."

jisung set the syrup beside minho, gently cupping cheeks. "okay, darling. i'll always give you whatever you want. no teasing today. lay down for me."

minho moved the vials away from behind him, laying down on the counter with his legs still around jisung's waist.

"okay, like always, talk to me." jisung took the cap off the syrup, and poured it over minho's hole.

minho shuddered, breath hitching as a finger entered him. "is it okay, love?" minho nodded, and jisung stopped moving his finger.

"words, baby."

" 'm good, ji. i'm good. keep going."

jisung nodded, slowly entering another into the sticky hole, and minho sighed contently. "please, ji, please."

the younger hummed, gently pulling out his fingers. "condoms?" minho pursed his lips, shaking his head. "no, i left them at yours."

"are you okay with none?"

"please, i want to feel you." minho lifted his head to connect their gazes and jisung's breath hitched. minho's cheeks were flushed pink with spit glistening his lips, along with purple hickeys on his neck.

"yeah, yeah, okay-" jisung tugged off his pants and boxers. he picked up the syrup, eyeing minho. "i can't believe the things i do for you."

minho giggled, and jisung squeezed the bottle to pour their 'lube' on his cock. he stroked himself, pressing the tip to minho's hole.


minho nodded. "mhm." his head fell back against the counter as jisung gently pushed in, hands holding minho's hips to keep him still.

it was filthy. the syrup practically glueing the two together with how sticky it was, and jisung watched his cock disappear into minho's hole.

as jisung's hips met the backs of minho's thighs, minho whined. "ji, please." jisung chuckled, trailing his hand down to gently rub minho's labia between his fingers.

minho whimpered, and jisung's wolf preened at his mate's satisfaction. jisung rubbed his fingers back and forth against the sensitive labia, small whines leaving minho's pretty lips.

minho's mouth hung open as his orgasm racked his body, and tears pricked his eyes while jisung continued rubbing the sensitive clit.  he teasingly rocked his hips slowly, and minho gasped.

"ji, please, please, please," the over sensitivity rushed through him and another orgasm hit. tears slipped down his cheeks and he tried moving himself on jisung's cock.

jisung gently cupped his cheeks, kissing away the tears. "min, baby, you have to calm down a bit. i know this is your first time in subspace with me, but you have to breathe."

minho's shaky exhales were the only thing heard in the kitchen, as he nodded. "please, ji." jisung held minho's hips in place, slowly thrusting in.

he watched minho's expressions, and once he was adjusted, jisung moved quicker. minho's whispered 'ah, ah, ah's' went straight to jisung's cock.

he leant down, pressing their lips together and tilting his head. their bodies slid against each other's, causing their lips to disconnect occasionally.

his fingers slid down to play with minho's cunt again, adding the extra pleasure. minho's sensitivity almost started to hurt and he tipped his head back against the counter to disconnect their lips.


minho nodded desperately, crying out as his 3rd orgasm shook his body. his thighs shook, and panted as jisung chased his own high.

jisung flopped on top of him, and panted. minho's legs were spread so far, it hurt his cuts. he winced his pain, jisung immediately noticing the reaction.

"you okay? what's wrong?"

minho gulped, and as jisung shifted, he groaned. minho chuckled, glancing up at jisung. "want to go again?"

jisung's eyebrows raised. "you sure? we normally only go once." minho nodded, interlocking his hand with jisung's. "i want to."

once their orgasms hit again, minho was spent, jisung's skilled tongue prodded in and out of his cunt, lapping up his orgasm along with strawberry syrup.

minho glanced at his thighs, seeing the blood beading at his cuts and the sensitivity after countless orgasms was painful.

"red.." he softly whispered. minho tried closing his legs, hard to do with jisung's head between them. "red.." he whispered again.

he gulped, panting. "ji..red." he murmured, still quiet. minho felt his orgasm tightening in his stomach and jisung seemed to speed up.

his 7th orgasm that night hit him, making him squirm uncomfortably. he rested the side of his cheek on the counter as tears stream down his cheeks.

"red..red! ji, red! red!"

he sobbed, his pained cries leaving his bruised lips. he felt the tongue leave his swollen cunt and hands cupping his cheeks.

jisung's eyes widened at minho's plea, forcing minho to look at him. "baby, what's wrong?" he glanced down at minho's thighs and saw the cuts started to bleed from the stretch of his legs.

"jesus, min, okay, let's clean you up. too sensitive?"

minho sniffled, lips pouting as he nodded. jisung cooed, gently lifting him into a koala hug and bringing him to the bathroom.

jisung ran a bath, sitting minho on the counter and letting him play with his fingers. minho interlocked their fingers, smiling softly at them.

"bath's done. i'll clean you up, mkay?"

minho hummed, and jisung wiped away the tear tracks, kissing his cheek.

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