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minho and jisung had to stay beside each other for a few days for the mating ritual to fully happen. once it was done, jisung would be able to fell whatever minho is feeling, but since minho is a witch, he can't feel what jisung does.

just what minho needed. for jisung to know all the sadness that he had locked away.

since he lived alone all his life, he was lonely and sad. he pushed those feelings down, buried them as far as they could go, and forced the cold façade he had now. jisung could never see minho vulnerable.

jisung might break down when he sees how minho feels all the time.

jisung had his hand on minho's waist, rubbing gently as they stood in minho's shop. minho tossed his ingredients in, murmuring to himself. jisung gently wrapped his other arm around minho's waist to back hug him, chin resting on his shoulder.

"what are you making, min?"

"nothing in particular. testing some new spells out." jisung hummed, and minho felt the love that jisung felt through their bond. minho smiled at him, and suddenly the bell on the door rang, and he pushed jisung off, face going cold. 

"hello, minho. i'm in dire need of a strength potion."

minho hummed, as jisung stayed wide eyed at minho's sudden change in demeanor. minho side-eyed him, and grabbed the potion off his shelf. he took the payment, handing the man the potion.

as the man left, minho went to lock up the shop and turned to jisung's hurt expression. minho felt the pain through their bond, and minho pursed his lips. this was why he didn't want to be in a relationship. he didn't know how to act.

"i'm sorry, ji..i didn't-"

"are you embarrassed of me?" jisung glanced up, staring minho dead in the eyes. "what? no, no, how could i be?" jisung scoffed, head tilted. "then why? why do you push me away?" 

minho's heart dropped and jisung felt it. "that- that is not your business." jisung's eyebrows furrowed. "not my business?! minho, we're mated! everything matters!" 

minho shook his head, not wanting to have the topic of vulnerability as an argument. "ji, it doesn't matter. i'm sorry, okay? can we just- just move on?" his voice cracked, and jisung's eyes softened.

"no, min. we need to have good communication. i can feel what you feel. did you forget? i feel your sadness, minho. i feel your anger. so talk to me."

"i don't do relationships, jisung! i'm a witch! we're not- we're not made to be loved, and have happy relationships! we're made to be hated, a- and burned, and just sellers!" minho's breath hitched. well, that was never meant to be said. minho figured he might as well get it all out now.

"i've never been loved, jisung! i- i had human parents and they got so upset when they had found out i was a witch! i don't know how to love, and i don't know how to act! i don't like being vulnerable, it terrifies me! witches are too powerful to be crying!"

he threw his hands up and tears gathers on his lash line. "i- i'm not cut out for a relationship, jisung. i - i love you, so fucking much, and it scares me. i want to be vulnerable with you, my body wants it, my mind wants it, and that horrifies me. i've never been vulnerable with someone, i've always been cold, and strong, and then you came into my life, and all i wanted to do was be babied and loved!"

jisung nodded, listening intently to what minho said. minho gulped, all of the emotions he tried so hard to lock away, and forget about, jisung easily brought them back. "get out." minho trembled, pointing to the door.

jisung's eyes widened. "what?-"

"out, jisung. i- i want you out."

jisung shook his head, heart starting to ache based on how minho was feeling. "no, minho. i don't care. you're upset, and i'm not going to leave you here."

minho didn't want jisung to see him cry. minho was always told that if someone saw a witch cry, they had complete power over said witch. minho didn't want that, he wanted power, he wanted control, he didn't want these silly emotions.

"out, ji! i-" his breath caught in his throat as jisung hugged him. "my love, i don't care how much you 'want' me gone. i won't leave you here alone. we're a team. we get through these things together. come on." 

jisung led minho to the back, and they sat on minho's bed. minho sniffed, staring blankly at his lap as jisung rubbed his back. "talk to me, my love. why is being vulnerable so scary to you?"

minho sighed, lacing his fingers together to fiddle with them. "i don't know." jisung tilted his head, smiling sadly. "you do know, baby. i'm here for you. you know that."

"i-" minho huffed, hating to talk about his feelings. he never knew how to put it into words. he just felt. "i grew up that way. witches aren't meant to feel emotions. and being vulnerable is just- just one of my biggest fears, ji."

minho's tears started gathering again. "when you're vulnerable, the person you're with has complete control, and power. they- they can do anything they wanted, all because you decide to completely give in. i- i can't do that."

"min, do you think i'll do something to you, or hurt you?" jisung's heart shattered, and minho felt it. "no, no- i just- i don't know, ji! i'm just scared! i've never been loved before and you just- you love me so much! i don't know how to be in a relationship, i've been alone my whole life! i hurt people with my words because i've never had any friends! being vulnerable is something i swore to never be. but you- you just make me want to be vulnerable, and it's not fair. your stupid smile, and your dumb hugs, make me feel so happy."

jisung softly smiled, pulling minho to lay on the bed. "my minho, i would never do anything you don't want me to do. i don't care if you don't know how to act in a relationship, you've done amazing so far. min, the pack understands that you were raised to protect yourself. you don't hurt anyone, mm? we all love you. be vulnerable, baby. i'm right here with you."

"i just- i don't want you to see me differently, ji. i- i have so much emotional trauma, and i- it'll be dumped on you."

"that's okay, min."

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