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jeongin nervously approaches minho's cottage. he knows he must express his gratitude for the remedy he made for him, but he's a bit embarrassed to ask for help with a rather sensitive matter. taking a deep breath, he knocks on the door.

minho yawns as heopens the door, greeting the younger with a smile. "jeongin, it's great to see you again. come in, come in." jeongin enters the cozy cottage, slipping off his shoes as he follows minho to the table.

jeongin takes a seat while minho places a cup of tea in front of him. "thank you, minho. i, um, wanted to thank you for the remedy. it's been really helpful with my transformations." minho nodded, sipping his own tea and sitting in the chair in front of jeongin.

"i'm glad to hear it's helping. i know it doesn't fully take away the pain, but it eases it. so, what can i do for you, jeongin?" as jeongin sips his tea, he thinks of how to word the dreadful and embarrassing question.

"there's something else i need help with. it's for jisung."

minho tilted his head slightly, wondering why jisung didn't come see him himself. "oh? of course, how can i help?" jeongin stares down at the glass, cheeks tinting a rose color. "well, you see, he's been having pain with his..heats. i was wondering if you could maybe make something for him?"

minho's understanding smile reassured jeongin, knowing that such matters cna be sensitive and personal. "i understand, heats are challenging, i'm sure. don't worry, i can make one. i'll have it ready for tomorrow. i can deliver it to you."

"really? oh, thank you so much, minho." he perked up, feeling the weight come off his shoulders. "it's no problem, it's what i do. i'll do my best to make a pain reliever specific to heats." jeongin smiles gratefully, relieved that he could talk to the witch about this delicate matter.


minho knocked on the pack house door and seungmin opened it. "minho! um, this isn't the best time-" he tried to keep it closed, so minho didn't smell what was happening inside.

"that's why i'm here. i have something to deliver for jeongin." minho stepped inside the house while seungmin ventured off to find jeongin. he opened his bag and made sure the vials were in there, closing it up again. he saw jisung and he instantly ran at minho. he hugged him tight, nose buried in minho's neck.

"hello to you too-"

"ji! get off him!" jeongin came to the front door and huffed. jisung held onto minho tighter, and the witch chuckled, patting his back. "jeongin, i have the vials you asked for."

"great, he really needs them right now." he pulled his own arms off of jisung and reached in his bag for the vials. jisung's arms stayed tight around minho's waist and he huffed.

"jisung. i need you to drink this for me, hm?" the younger shook his head, slowly inhaling as he nosed at minho's neck. jeongin's hand touched minho and jisung growled. minho's eyes widened and jeongin laughed. "guess he's claimed you as his for now. i can't help you here, he'll attack me."

"what do i do?" jeongin shrugged, skipping off to go to his room and minho pushed jisung off him. "drink." jisung whined, grabbing at minho. he needed to protect minho. if he was in jisung's arms, he was safe. jisung wrapped his arms around his waist again and pulled him upstairs. "uh, jeongin?! he's pulling me to his room!"

"have fun!" minho sputtered, and the door locked behind them. jisung held him close and minho could tell that jisung was in pain. "ji, if you drink this, i'll help you out. sound good?" jisung nodded, taking it from minho. he gulped it down and minho put the vial back into his bag.

jisung seemed to come to his senses a bit and instantly apologized. he let go, and blushed. "i am so, so sorry."

"it's okay, jisung. you can't control it. it's instinct, i know." jisung let go of minho. "yeah, but i just had the urge to protect you. keep you safe. so, i'm very sorry. i didn't mean to act that way and it's just my heats-"

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