The Past Reawakened

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It was an hour before closing time at the Pizza-Plex, and the band members were in their rooms getting ready to power off for the night. Jazz Rabbit, a light navy blue Jack Rabbit animatronic with a light blue chest and red eyes, was getting ready to power off, taking his circular, white tinted glasses off his head and placing them on the counter in front of the mirror. Walking over to a full body mirror next to his dressing mirror, he checks to make sure there are no scratch marks on his dark gray pants, the blue stripes on the bottom of them gleaming in the lights of his room, as well as checking his white shoulder pads for the next day. Making sure that his white fingerless gloves are in a good condition, he takes off the black headphones around his neck and places them next to his glasses and makes his way to his charging station. As he does this, he hears the Pizza Plex's AI voice come from the speaker in his room.

Speaker: Can Jazz Rabbit please come down to Parts and Service for a routine maintenance check up?

J.R: Why would they want me to do a check up right before I power off?

He wonders out loud as he makes his way to his elevator. As he enters the elevator and presses the button, he can't help but feel like something isn't right. The elevator descends into Parts and Service and J.R walks out into the main room. He looks around but notices that there isn't anyone in the room with him. Thinking that it was a false call from the technicians, he turns around to leave but feels a presence in the room with him. He turns back around and sees nothing, but then gets knocked down by a pipe hitting the back of his head. As he blacks out, the last thing he sees is a pair of white rabbit feet skipping over to his body. After J.R was knocked out cold, the white bunny skipped over to his body and dragged him into the repair cylinder. She straps him down and boots up the machine. She takes out a usb drive that looks like it came from the 1980s and inserts it into the machine. The arms in the machine start to move and take off head casing and rearrange some of the wires, putting an SD card into the endo skull, then put the casing back on. After they're done, she removes the usb and opens the cylinder, and drags the unconscious Jazz Rabbit to his elevator and brings him back to his charging station. Afterwards she disappears into the darkness like she was never there.

The next day arrives and J.R wakes up in his charging station. He gets out and looks around confused, the last thing he remembers was being knocked out by someone. He enters his room and makes sure he has everything for the day. As he's walking to his friends' rooms, he can't help but feel like he's being watched, but he chalks it up to just being the cameras. He enters Fredbear's room and opens the door to his charging station, trying to wake him up. The yellow bear shifts a little bit but doesn't move, his deep green suspenders reflecting the light from the open door. He always was a heavy sleeper and hard to get out of his recharge state, so he starts dragging Fredbear out of it.

Fredbear: Mmm, five more minutes.

J.R shakes his head and lets out a long sigh, picking up a plushie of his friend and tossing it up 

and down in his hand for a moment, before he throws the plush at said animatronic, pulling his friend out of recharge and making him fall to the floor.

Fredbear: AGHHH!

Fredbear lets out a scream as he falls to the floor as J.R tries his best to stop himself from laughing, but fails miserably, doubling over and holding his stomach. As Fredbear lifts himself up and dusts himself off, he glares at J.R with his chocolate brown eyes as he laughs so hard that if he weren't an animatronic, he would have died of a loss of oxygen. While he's laughing, Fredbear throws the plushie back at him, the plush smacking into his head and making him almost fall over.

J.R: Hey! It was a joke man, c'mon!

Fredbear: Yeah yeah, I've heard that one before.

Fredbear chuckles under his breath, hoping that J.R didn't hear him. Grabbing his top hat, the green stripe at the base catching the lights around him and putting on his wooden cross necklace, as well as grabbing his microphone and stashing it in his chest cavity, he walks through the door and waves to J.R to follow him, calling out behind him as he walks away.

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