Old Friends Reunited

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J.R: Henry? Is that you old man?

Fredbear looks around as the Soul Drive controlling J.R looks in his direction, thinking that he was talking about someone else, but his eyes are locked directly on Fredbear.

Fredbear: Me?

The Soul Drive in his friend nods, still looking at Fredbear, now only with confusion written on his face.

J.R?: Uhhh yeah? Why do you look different, and where in the name of Scott are we?

Fredbear: Well for one, I've always looked like this, and second, we're in the Pizza Plex.

The AI gives a confused look, looking around, his confusion continues to grow with each passing second.

J.R: The H̶̤̟̎̔́#̴̟̌!̴̢̢͐̊́!̸͔̽̐͘'̶̝͖́͘$̵͎̖̪̓ a Pizza Plex? And what do you mean you've always looked like that? You're all plastic now, like a Toy animatronic, where's all your fur? Also, why was my cuss word censored?

Everyone except the Soul Drive looks at each other, revulsed by the fact that he had just tried to cuss, as well as being confused on what these "Toy" animatronics are that he was referring to. Freddy is the next one to speak up, stepping closer to him wearily.

Freddy: The pizza Plex is our home, your home, it's where we perform and live.

J.R: Freddy? What on earth did they do to you? You look worse than Rockstar Freddy.

The Soul Drive shudders at the thought of this "Rockstar" Freddy. He gets up and exits the Repair Cylinder, and walks over to Freddy and the others. They watch as his eyes look over the main group, looking thoughtfully at Roxy and Monty mostly.

J.R: Well, it seems the company took my designs and replaced Foxy and Bonnie. But, I thought those blueprints were destroyed years ago with the fire at my diner...

The Soul Drive walks around as he's thinking. He looks back and sees that all of the animatronics heads are lowered at the name of Bonnie.

J.R: Did I say something wrong?

Fredbear walks over to him and tells him about what happened to Bonnie, telling him about the old band mate.

Fredbear: Well, there used to be a band member named Bonnie, but an accident happened and scrapped him. Monty was accused of doing it and had a hard time with it. Jazz Rabbit, the body you're using, helped him through it. We don't really talk about him much anymore, it's a sore topic around here.

The Soul Drive looks over at Monty and feels bad for bringing it up. Then he looks back over at Fredbear with a confused look.

J.R: Wait, what do you mean "The body I'm using"? I am Jazz Rabbit, or, kinda. It's confusing after all these years.

Everyone looks over at him in surprise. Did he think he was J.R and some of the old memories transfer over to this Soul Drive? Monty then spoke up next.

Monty: Uhh, you are? Ya don't act like him, and you called Fredbear "Henry" earlier, no one in this place is called Henry.

The others agreed with Monty, they wanted to know who this Henry was. The Soul Drive started to talk about who he was, and why he called Fredbear "Henry".

J.R: Well, I am Jazz Rabbit, kind of. Like I said, it's really confusing. My real name is Ace McKenith, I worked with Fazbear's way back in the day, almost, uh, hey Freddy, what year is it?

Freddy: The year is currently 2050.

Ace: What!? I've been asleep for 25 years!?

The now known Ace yells out in surprise, shocking everyone in the room. Ace starts pacing around the room trying to figure out what happened to him, left hand holding the bottom of his chin, and how the heck he had slept for that long.

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