An Old Enemy (Revised)

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I had to rewrite this whole chapter (as of 3/23/24) to fit with the rewritten ones, so if you haven't read those new ones, then some of this might not make sense.


Freddy: So, now what?

Ace stops what he's doing to think. What would we do now? We don't act like the AI's that powered these things.

Ace: I'm, not to sure. We don't act like our counterparts, so we can't go on stage. Do you guys have any ideas?

He looks back at the rest of them, looking to see if they have any ideas on what to do next. They all look at each other, trying to figure something out. As they were thinking, Ace, with his enhanced hearing, heard a faint beeping sound coming from one of the "Spare Parts" boxes lining the shelves. He walks over to the box that seems to have mold on it, hearing the beeping coming from that one, and opens it up and looks inside. What he found was startling in a number of ways. What lied inside was the head of a faded blue rabbit, with one, red, left eye. The right half of it's face was missing the outer fur, showing only the Endoskeleton. The outer rim of the Endo had a springlock mechanism that had gone off many, many years ago, and was rusted into place, keeping the animatronic wiring and mechanics in place. Next to it was the head of a yellow bear with a small, black top hat with a green stripe near the base of it, and it was missing both of it's eyes. On the other side of the blue rabbit head, was the head of a yellow rabbit with ice blue eyes and a white snowflake under it's left ear, and the same ear was broken off at the second segment, leaving only wires hanging from it's place. All of them were molding and decaying, which was spreading to the box they were held in. Ace took a hold of the yellow bear head and called put behind him.

Ace: Hey Henry, catch!

He tosses the head behind him and Henry catches it, only to see what it was he caught and he reeled back in disgust, dropping the head with a thud. He quickly picked it up again and fixed the bottom jaw, which had come out of place when it dropped, realizing what it was. Again. They all turned to Ace, only to see him laughing so hard that he could've short circuited.

Henry: Ace! What the heck was that for!?

Ace: Aha, I-I just wanted to see your reaction! And I got exactly what I wanted! HA!

Hazel: You have to admit, that was pretty funny-

Mid way through Hazel's sentence, she also caught a head that came straight for her, being the yellow bunny head instead, and she screamed, also dropping the head as the left eye comes rolling out of it's socket. They all watched the eye roll towards Roxy, who wasn't paying attention. The eye came to a stop when it hit her foot, at which point she looked down and saw it, and then passed out because she wasn't used to that kind of grossness. Ace turned around to see what the sound was, holding the blue rabbit head, only to see Roxy on the ground and everyone staring at him.

Ace: What? I didn't do anything this time, I swear!

Henry: Ace, are these what I think they are?

Ace: You mean our old skulls? Then yes, yes they are.

Hazel: Aw man, my snowflake is broken.

She held up the snowflake that had resided on her old head to see it split into three pieces.

Monty: Wait, you mean that's what you used to look like? 

Ace: Well, a withered, rusty, moldy version of what we looked like, but yeah, pretty much.

Freddy: Where are the rest of you?

Ace: Probably used for our Endo's, that's why I feel like some of these parts are familiar to me.

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