The Start Of A New Nightmare (Revised)

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As the lights of the Pizza Plex flickered to life, the light filtered through the curtains of J.R's Green Room, landing on the powered down figure of J.R, or Ace controlling his body, tucked away inside his charging station. As his eyelids opened, he felt that something was wrong, and looking through the files of the system, he found that he was blocked from most of it, with really only access to the map and a few basic things, like his access to anywhere in the Plex, which the others seem to not have. With no access to the system, he decides to take things into his own hands and exits his room, noticing how lively it was that day. Making his way across the Main Atrium, he had a small crowd of kids walk up to him, wanting to take pictures, and he obliged. When he had finished, he had to shake his head out of being blind. Thinking to himself, he made his way to a Charging Station to have some space and closed his eyes, accessing his own system and coding from inside his head. Looking through his coding, he finds the files that seem to have been updated the most recently, when he got flash banged by a camera flash and was forced into a soft reset, just like in the old days. Opening his eyes and walking out of the Station, he makes his way down to P&S, where it was luckily empty at the moment. Turning on the Repair Cylinder, he set it up to fix the coding error, getting into the Cylinder and let it do its thing. About an hour later, because that took far too long for a coding error, he left and reentered the Atrium, being just in time for the main four's performance for the day. Walking away for a moment, he saw the entrance to his, or J.R's, stage, and saw that it was closed off for construction. Weird, it was just open the day before. Making his way back, he saw Freddy glitching out on stage and staring into space, when he collapsed on the stage in front of the crowd. Running towards Freddy, he looked over his shoulder and saw something out of the corner of his eye, making his own system bug out and he blacked out while running towards the others.


12:15 AM

Ace woke up back in his charging station, not at all knowing how he got there. Leaving the Green Room once more, he noticed how early it was on his internal clock. As he made his way through the Pizza Plex towards the Daycare, he entered the Lobby and noticed Chica roaming around, like she was looking for something. Walking up to her, he tried getting her attention, but to no avail.

Ace: Chica! Hey, have you seen Star, or the others for that matter?

Chica walked past him and he followed, trying once again to get her attention tapping her on the shoulder, which seemed to make her stop, but only for a split second.

Ace: Chica? Helloooo, can you hear me?

Chica continued to ignore Ace and moved on up the stairs. A S.T.A.F.F Bot passed him and also seemingly ignored him. Usually they'll say something generic like he was a customer, but this time they didn't. Deciding to move on, still confused about why Chica and the Bot ignored him, he went up the stairs and went to the Daycare. When he passed the statue of the Sun and the other one, he saw the lights go out and a very raspy sounding voice telling someone that it was past his bedtime. Making his way to the door, he heard the sound of someone running around, knocking things over as well as a generator turning on. Pushing on the door, he noticed it was locked, he backed up to slam his way in, but then heard the scraping of metal on tile towards the side of the Daycare. Walking over there, his eyesight went buggy, with red lines and glitching in his vision. Walking closer, he could barely make out the form of another rabbit, looking more human than robot, and the form of an unconscious Star. Running up, he tried to reach them, but when he got close, his systems seized, and his head was hit with a pounding headache.

???: What the hell are you doing!? This is my kill, you shouldn't even be over here right now because of the code! Whatever, just get back to finding the kid for the Master's plan, unless you want to be scrap metal like this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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