New Findings and They Daycare

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It was the next day at the Pizza Plex before opening. As the animatronics turned on and started their morning routines, the soul trio were trying to figure out what they were going to do now that they have control of their respective animatronics, meeting up together in J.R's Green Room. They sat in relative silence for a few moments, hearing the muffled sounds of the S.T.A.F.F Bots rolling around outside the window. Ace, seeing a need to get the conversation rolling, spoke up first.

Ace: So, here we are again, huh? Gods, I thought these days were behind us, but I guess Fazbear never rests, huh?

The three look at each other solemnly, the fire was supposed to take them to the afterlife, away from all the pain and suffering that this franchise had caused, and the franchise itself to be a name left in the history books, forgotten and used as a learning experience.

Henry: The fire was supposed to end this, Mike made sure of it! There is no way that someone could have found our remains. This should all be gone...

Hazel put an arm around her husband, when the door slammed open, startling them all. Freddy and Chica walked in, the door slamming closed behind them. They both took a seat across from the couch that the trio were sitting on. Freddy looked at Henry fiddled with his hands. Taking a breath, not that he needed to, he opened his stomach hatch and pulled something out, something small and black with white stripes.

Freddy: Mr. Emily, I... I did some research last night, during my Recharge Cycle, and I found out about what happened with your... your daughter. I found this in storage with a tag on the back that had your last name on it, as well as her first name. I am truly, sorry.

Henry reached over and grabbed the object. It was a very burned and ruined plushie, a plushie of the Marionette, or the Puppet as she was more commonly known as. It was burned in multiple spots, more noticeable on the white lines and mask of the plush, as well as having a decent amount of tears, most of them being where Hazel had stitched up for their daughter, having been reopened from the decades of neglect. If animatronics could cry, they would be bawling their eyes out at this point. Hazel held the plush close while Henry looked back at Freddy, who had his eyes down in sadness. He got up and pulled Freddy into a hug. They pulled apart and Henry looked Freddy in the eyes, emotion noticeable in his face.

Henry: Freddy... Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to us. After Charlie... after we found out, the plush was the only thing we kept of her old things. We couldn't bear to part with it, it meant too much to us. Thank you, Freddy, thank you so much.

Henry moved back onto the couch and pulled Hazel into a hug, with the two holding each other tightly, surrounding the Puppet plushie. Chica, who had watched the ordeal next to Ace, stood up and beckoned for him to follow, which he did. Exiting the room, they walked in a solemn silence as Chica brought him towards a storage room behind Rockstar Row.

Chica: I couldn't find anything like Freddy did for Mr. Emily, there wasn't really anything mentioned about you. But, I found a luggage chest with your name on it back here while looking. I don't know if it meant anything to you in your... past life... but I thought it might be something you would want to look at.

Walking closer to a back wall, a lone chest stood amongst the other items. The box itself wasn't too much to look at, being a small black luggage chest with stars and red rabbits adorning the chest itself. Ace's heart, if he had one, fluttered with recognition. Kneeling down next to it, there were a set of keys on the floor next to it. Picking them, he put one of them into the lock, and with hesitation visible, turned the key, the chest unlocking with little trouble. He put his hand on the lid, looking back at Chica, who gave a small reassuring smile, and nodded. Turning back, he opened the chest slowly, revealing two small vases, one painted a wine red color, with small rabbits depicted running around in a field, and the other with constellations and stars, with a large crescent moon near the lid, both covered with packing peanuts and other things to keep them safe in the chest. Chica, curious as always, leaned over to see what was in the chest. When she saw what it was, there was a stop in her system. These weren't vases, these were urns. She could hear Ace sniffling, picking up the black urn and holding it close. On the back a name was written in large cursive, obvious with how much love was put into the name. Star McKenith. Looking back at Ace, she could see how much he wanted to break down in tears, putting the urn back down in the chest carefully, but no longer able to in this body. She kneels down next to him and puts her arms around him in a hug, which he immediately pulls himself into, burying his head in her arms. A few seconds later and he lets out wails that sound glitchy and wet as he shudders in her arms. She never knew that someone could get this emotional, sure, she had seen a child break down in tears when they couldn't find their parents. But this, this was a man who had lost everything, and has kept it all in since the beginning. They sat there for what felt like hours to Ace, Chica holding him and letting him let it all out. Hearing the door open, Ace realizes someone else has come into the room, and hears a gasp next to them. Looking up from his spot, he sees Henry and Hazel, with her hands over her mouth as she recognizes the chest and its contents. Henry helps Ace up and out of Chica's arms, and pulls him into another hug, which Hazel joins as well, and Ace melts into it. The three help Ace back to the Green Room, passing both Freddy and Monty as they do, both looking at Ace with worry in their eyes. Following after, they watch as Ace sinks into the couch, still in Hazel's arms as Henry walks over to the other three.

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